Iphone Tips And Tricks You Would Never Have Thought Of On Your Own

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If you're an iPhone owner, your probably already know all of the features and benefits you can reap from this device. Continue reading this article to learn how to use you iPhone to its full potential. Getting You Comfortable With Your Iphone

A screen protector is a wise investment for your iPhone. This will help to prevent scratches, which can damage the look of your device. Something as small as dirt can scratch the screen. Therefore, a screen protector is an essential accessory.

Unraveling The Secrets Of The IPhone: Tips And Tricks For Fans Of The Apple Device Having a bigger keyboard will make iPhone web browsing easier. It's not necessary to run out and purchase a new keyboard. Put the iPhone to the side and in Safari, tap on the address bar. This will give you access to a larger keyboard to help make your typing a breeze.

Location-based reminders are possible thanks to Siri. Siri already gives reminders based on a pre-set time. Instead, you can request: "Siri, tell me to contact the office when I reach my home." When the iPhone detects you have arrived at the destination, it will give a reminder alert. That way, you get your reminder no matter what time you get home.

Most iPhone users are savvy with the camera app on their phones. It can be difficult, however, to learn how to easily sort through the many different pictures you've taken. Use your iPhone's Album feature to organize your pictures into easy-to-manage groups. This cuts down on a lot of time when searching for a particular picture you would like to see.

To ensure the safety of your device, buy a screen protector. Without it, the phone is likely to sustain damage from every day use. A scratch can be caused by even the tiniest particle of dirt you may have on your finger. Keep the protector on the phone at all times to keep the screen in good condition.

If you do not want to use the iPhone suggestions for typing an email or note, it is not necessary to hit "x" to remove the box. Just tap anyplace at all, and the word will go away.

Don't Know If IPhone Is Right For You? Learn About This Amazing Device Here! Have you missed an opportunity to get a great picture because your camera application was too slow to ramp up? If so, check this tip out. Tap your Home button two times quickly if your screen is locked. A miniature camera icon will be noticeable at the bottom. Push it and your camera will function right away.

The iPhone, as well as other smartphones, can notify you when calls or messages are received. You can set up the iPhone's LED flash to blink when a call or message comes in. Simply visit the "settings" area, go to "general", then select "accessibility." Then activate the LED Flash on alerts feature.

Always ensure that you are keeping your iPhone's OS up to date. Because of the fact that iPhones are now almost equivalent to a laptop there are many things that can go wrong that need to be fixed. For security purposes and all-around general usage, it's imperative that you update your OS as needed.

Once you have read this piece, you ought to know just how many wonderful features these phones have. An iPhone can make your life easier in a number of different ways. Your iPhone will do whatever you want when you use these tips and tricks.