Iphone Tips And Tricks To Make Life Easy

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The iPhone has transformed the way many people conduct their everyday lives. You must be properly educated if you want to be able to take advantage of all your iPhone has to offer. Start below with some of these smart ideas and tips, and you'll be one step closer to mastering your device.

With an iPhone, you don't have to worry about getting lost anymore. There is a maps app that is built into the phone, which makes it much easier to for you to always know where you are. This app is helpful to get to a new place, or just to get back home.

Become An Iphone Expert With These Tips It is possible to create an application from any of your favorite websites. You just need to visit the site itself. Once you are on the site, tap your phone's "Go" button. This then gives you the option for adding this site to the home screen. Whenever you get it on the home page, it can be renamed, and then, you'll have your own app of the site.

Sometimes the AutoCorrect suggestion feature can become a nuisance. When you're writing and it keeps popping up, don't hit "X" to get rid of it. All you need to do is simply tap on the screen anywhere and the box goes away.

When in Safari, you can easily make phone calls with just one tap. You may be looking for a dry cleaner that is nearby. Whenever you discover the number, you don't have to navigate to the phone component in order to make a call. Simply tap the number and the phone will automatically call it.

Make messaging faster if you use this trick. You can dismiss a suggested word by tapping elsewhere on your screen. You do not even have to tap the small "x" that is found at the word's end.

If you are looking for ways to make the best use of your iPhone, you should look into its many media viewing features. By downloading episodes of your favorite television series, a classic movie or humorous clips from countless online sources, you can turn your iPhone into an incredibly versatile solution for all of your entertainment needs.

If you're sending an email and you do not wish to use the words that your iPhone suggests, the "X" button does not have to be tapped in order to get rid of the suggestion box. Just tap the screen at any area and the words will be eliminated.

IPhone Tips Every Savvy Consumer Should Know If your iPhone is owned with Siri, think twice before talking to her very much. Anytime you use Siri, Apple is recording all of the voice prompts and they keep them on their internal server. This is done because it helps the speech recognition program work better, but remember that it also records everything that you say when using the Siri app.
How To Use Your Iphone And All Its Features On your iPhone, marking email as unread can be confusing because the command is not visible. You need to go into the "details" menu and press the unread feature. Then, when you open your mail again, the message will appear to be unread.

With everything you've learned here, you are now much more well-versed on the iPhone and its culture. Keep these tips in mind to take full advantage of your current or future iPhone.