What Everyone Ought To Know About The IPhone

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There are pros and cons to owning the iPhone. The phone can seem mind boggling at first. To get the most from your phone without losing money and time, keep reading.

Dim the brightness of your iPhone to reduce battery consumption. This can be done in your phone's settings, and you just lower the level of the brightness. If you do this, you can save a great amount of battery. If you want your phone to be as charged as possible, this is especially important.

If you want to browse the web with ease on the iPhone, try a larger keyboard. It is, however, not necessary to purchase a larger keyboard. You can have use of a bigger keyboard by simply rotating your iPhone and going to the address bar in Safari and tapping it. You will now have a keyboard that is bigger and much easier-to-use.

Iphone Tips And Tricks To Make Life Easy Are you regretting that message you just made with iMessage? Has your meaning been messed up by Auto Correct again? When this happens, simply shake your iPhone. This will automatically undo recent typing. Be aware that this feature is optional, and you will need to check in the Settings area to ensure that it'e enabled.

You can use Siri to give you reminders based on your location. Rather than saying "Siri, let me know to call my job at 5pm." Instead, you can request: "Siri, tell me to contact the office when I reach my home." As soon as the iPhone detects that you are home, it will activate the reminder. This helps when you have no idea what time you will be arriving at home, and lets you set a reminder.

There are different ways that you can improve how fast your messages are created. Sometimes, you will be provided an alternative word, as you can tap out of this to delete the suggestion. You do not have to tap the "x" that follows the suggested word.

Don't Know If IPhone Is Right For You? Learn About This Amazing Device Here! Are you doubting the wisdom of what you just typed into iMessage? Is Auto Correct incorrect? If so, then all you have to do is shake the iPhone. Anything you've typed will be erased in seconds. This feature is optional, so look at your Settings in order to see if it is enabled.

If you're not using your iPhone's powerful multimedia features, you're not getting everything you could be getting out of your phone. Your iPhone can handle your entertainment needs. For example, you can download video clips or even your favorite movie or series.

Increasing the speed of your messaging is another trick to the iPhone. Whenever the dictionary automatically suggests a word that you don't need as you're typing your text message, you can eliminate it by tapping any area of the screen. You do not have to press the tiny X that shows up on the word.

Need Tips Concerning The Iphone? Try These Ideas! Always ensure that you are keeping your iPhone's OS up to date. Because of the fact that iPhones are now almost equivalent to a laptop there are many things that can go wrong that need to be fixed. For security purposes and all-around general usage, it's imperative that you update your OS as needed.

With everything you've learned here, you are now much more well-versed on the iPhone and its culture. Keep these tips in mind to take full advantage of your current or future iPhone.