Need Tips Concerning The Iphone? Try These Ideas!

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If you get out often, you probably have seen Apple's iPhone products being used. This phone has changed the way we view communication. This article will give you some great tips to really maximize the use you get from your phone. Need Tips Concerning The Iphone? Try These Ideas!

As soon as any new updates are available, you should immediately update your phone. This will help ensure your phone is working as fast and efficiently as possible. Your pictures and other files will be saved to your computer; if you damage your iPhone, you will not lose all your data.

Minimizing your iPhone's brightness setting will help extend battery life. Go to the settings to change this. At a lower brightness, you'll find your iPhone lasts for a lot longer. This is especially helpful if you know you are going to go a long time between charges.

Don't Know If IPhone Is Right For You? Learn About This Amazing Device Here! Sometimes the AutoCorrect suggestion feature can become a nuisance. When you're writing and it keeps popping up, don't hit "X" to get rid of it. All you need to do is simply tap on the screen anywhere and the box goes away.
Getting You Comfortable With Your Iphone It is possible to take a picture from your headphone cord. Begin by framing the picture you want to capture. When you are ready, press the button that is on the cord. This takes the picture. To save the picture, simply follow the standard steps used for saving photographs.

One of the best buys you can make for your iPhone is a protective screen. This will help to prevent scratches, which can damage the look of your device. Your fingers can transfer dirt to the screen which in turn can leave hairline scratches. Always keep your phone protected with a screen protector.

Search for an app that lets you utilize your phone for storage. With this app, you are able to upload pictures, brief videos, music and text files. Then you have them available right on your phone, or you can connect and access them later on your computer.

Keep in mind you don't have to always need to press X each time AutoCorrect pops up to suggest a correction. Just tap somewhere else on the screen instead. That closes the box for you, a much faster solution.

Turn keyboard clicks "on" so that you can hear your typing. Choose to have keystroke sounds if you're accustomed to it and find it easier to type accurately when a clicking sound is associated with each key you type.

Are you having second thoughts about the latest missive you entered into iMessage? Did Auto Correct alter what you intended to say? The easiest way to undo this is to just give a quick shake to your iPhone. This motion will erase the message allowing you to type it again. Because this particular feature is optional, it may be necessary to enable it under the Settings menu.

As an iPhone user, you probably know that there are countless options and functions at your fingertips. However, because there are so many, it's easy to get lost in trying to figure everything out. Utilize the knowledge you've just learned so that you can completely maximize your iPhone's use.