IPhone Tips Every Savvy Consumer Should Know

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There are pros and cons to owning the iPhone. The phone can seem mind boggling at first. To get the most from your phone without losing money and time, keep reading.

Keep your phone updated. This ensures that you get the latest software and updates available for your phone. You will also have to store all photos and other information you have on your computer in case something bad occurs to the phone, you're covered.

If you want to browse the web with ease on the iPhone, try a larger keyboard. It is, however, not necessary to purchase a larger keyboard. You can have use of a bigger keyboard by simply rotating your iPhone and going to the address bar in Safari and tapping it. You will now have a keyboard that is bigger and much easier-to-use.

Are you sick of the constnt notifications you receive on your iPhone? There is a way you can shut them off. Begin by selecting "settings", then hit the notifications line. You will probably find a bunch of apps in the "Notification Center" which you do not need. Remove them. This will also add to the life of the phone's battery.

Via the default setting, the iPhone shows previews of messages when the lock screen is on. For some this is great, but others do not like it. If you find it annoying, you can disable this feature easily. Under Settings, choose Notifications and then Messages. The facility you wish to disable is known as "Show Preview".

The Safari web browser on your phone acts just like a web browser on a desktop. It even allows you to save images from the web. Just press on and hold any images you wish to save. The popup menu allows you to put the picture in your Camera Roll. These photo's can even be copied and placed inside a message!

If you're not using your iPhone's powerful multimedia features, you're not getting everything you could be getting out of your phone. You can use your iPhone download TV series episodes, movies, funny clips or anything else you desire.

Instead of trying to remember what a webpage or email said, you can save an image from on of them. Find the image you want, touch and hold. Soon, a box will pop up with the option to save the image you've touched.

Don't Know If IPhone Is Right For You? Learn About This Amazing Device Here! Turn keyboard clicks "on" so that you can hear your typing. Choose to have keystroke sounds if you're accustomed to it and find it easier to type accurately when a clicking sound is associated with each key you type.
Tips And Advice For Getting The Most From Your New Iphone! Always ensure that you are keeping your iPhone's OS up to date. Because of the fact that iPhones are now almost equivalent to a laptop there are many things that can go wrong that need to be fixed. For security purposes and all-around general usage, it's imperative that you update your OS as needed.
Get The Most For Your Money With These Iphone Tips There are many features that come with the iPhone that you don't have to add. You may be surprised at what your iPhone is capable of. If you want to use your iPhone to its fullest potential, put these tips into practice!