IPhone Tips Every Savvy Consumer Should Know

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Versione del 26 Nov 2014 alle 08:03 di Honey96owl (Discussione | contributi)

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A lot of people want to get an iPhone, but are not sure how to properly use it. This article is filled with useful tips that will help you explore the different features of your iPhone. Read on to learn tips that will help you to use your iphone to its full potential.

Dim the brightness of your iPhone to reduce battery consumption. This can be done in your phone's settings, and you just lower the level of the brightness. If you do this, you can save a great amount of battery. If you want your phone to be as charged as possible, this is especially important.

Use your iPhone to help you navigate from place to place. Use the map as GPS when you want definite directions, or when trying to find gas stations or grocery stores en route. You can bookmark the map feature for easy access on your phone.

Create your very own shortcuts and add to your own dictionary with the iPhone. When you use this, your phone knows exactly what you are trying to change. Favored shortcuts and phrases can also be programmed. When you're typing out something, the Auto Correct feature will guess at what word or phrase you might be trying to say.

Always use a screen protector with your iPhone. This will help to prevent scratches, which can damage the look of your device. Something as small as dirt can scratch the screen. So take the precautionary step and add on that screen protection.

Get The Most For Your Money With These Iphone Tips Speed up your messaging with this trick. Dismiss any auto-correct suggestions while texting by tapping the screen anywhere. A box with an "X" out option appears, as you can simply disregard this.

Turn the sound of keyboard clicks On in your Sounds Section if you need to hear clicks when you are texting. You will know each character has registered by the sound you hear.

If you're not using your iPhone's powerful multimedia features, you're not getting everything you could be getting out of your phone. Your iPhone can handle your entertainment needs. For example, you can download video clips or even your favorite movie or series.

A great way to maximize the utility of your iPhone is to take advantage of its multimedia capabilities. You can even download television shows, movies, or just about any other type of video, and then view it where ever you are, making your phone a great option for keeping you or your kids entertained.

Don't Know If IPhone Is Right For You? Learn About This Amazing Device Here! You don't have to worry about your phone shaking when taking a photo with your iPhone. You can do this with your headphones by pushing the volume button. Focus initially on the subject that you are looking to take a picture of. Once you have your shot set, press a cord button.

As an iPhone user, you probably know that there are countless options and functions at your fingertips. However, because there are so many, it's easy to get lost in trying to figure everything out. Utilize the knowledge you've just learned so that you can completely maximize your iPhone's use.

Getting You Comfortable With Your Iphone