Tips And Advice For Getting The Most From Your New Iphone!

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Versione del 26 Nov 2014 alle 08:04 di Honey96owl (Discussione | contributi)

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It seems as if almost everyone has an iPhone nowadays. However, many people are not aware of all the ways it can be used. You are not the only one who feels that there is more they could be getting out of their iPhone. Continue reading to find out more about using your iPhone.

Get a larger keyboard to make the most of your phone's Internet capabilities. It is not necessary to buy a larger keyboard. Flip your phone sideways and begin browsing again. You will now have a keyboard that is bigger and much easier-to-use.

Not only can you take photos using your iPhone's volume buttons, you can also take photos with the buttons on your iPhone headphones. As you prepare to take the picture, steady your hand, then quickly depress the button located on the headphone cord. Using this technique will help ensure your photos are crisp and clear.

Have you lost a great picture because your camera app did not come up quickly? Here is a simple shortcut that will solve that problem. While you have the screen locked, quickly touch Home button two times. A camera icon will appear at the bottom of your screen after you do this. Press the button and your camera is ready to go.

You can set reminders based on location with your iPhone. No longer do you need to give Siri a time to remind you of a specific task. It will call you when you get home. When the phone's GPS realizes you are home, it will give you the reminder. This is convenient for times that you want a reminder, but don't know exactly what time you'll need the reminder.

IPhone Tips Every Savvy Consumer Should Know Use your handy iPhone to quickly snap a screenshot. Press the home and sleep button together for taking a screenshot. When you see the screen turn white, you know that the screenshot has been saved to your phone.

Are you doubting the wisdom of what you just typed into iMessage? Is Auto Correct incorrect? If so, then all you have to do is shake the iPhone. Anything you've typed will be erased in seconds. This feature is optional, so look at your Settings in order to see if it is enabled.

What Everyone Ought To Know About The IPhone Did you know that you can use your headphone cord to take a photo? To begin, frame the picture you would like to take. When you have that set up, and are ready to shoot the picture, push the button down on the cord. That takes the photo for you. You can now save your picture as you would normally.

If you prefer hearing clicks every time you hit a key while texting, you can turn that feature on in your phone's Sounds section. You will know each character has registered by the sound you hear.

Become An Iphone Expert With These Tips Always ensure that you are keeping your iPhone's OS up to date. Because of the fact that iPhones are now almost equivalent to a laptop there are many things that can go wrong that need to be fixed. For security purposes and all-around general usage, it's imperative that you update your OS as needed.

The iPhone is a costly purchase, but they are like holding a computer in your palm. You're aware of how great an iPhone is if you have one. This article has provided you with the information you need to get started on taking full advantage of your iPhone.