Getting You Comfortable With Your Iphone

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Versione del 26 Nov 2014 alle 08:06 di Honey96owl (Discussione | contributi)

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The iPhone has transformed the way many people conduct their everyday lives. You must be properly educated if you want to be able to take advantage of all your iPhone has to offer. Start below with some of these smart ideas and tips, and you'll be one step closer to mastering your device.

Getting You Comfortable With Your Iphone A screen protector is a wise investment for your iPhone. This will help to prevent scratches, which can damage the look of your device. Something as small as dirt can scratch the screen. Therefore, a screen protector is an essential accessory.

Always update your device whenever you can. This will help ensure your phone is working as fast and efficiently as possible. It also make you move pictures and documents to your computer. This way, if your phone is damaged, you will not lose everything.

To make browsing the web on your iPhone a little easier, get a bigger keyboard! The iPhone has the capability to provide you with a larger keyboard. Flip your phone sideways and begin browsing again. Now your keyboard is larger and you will be able to type more efficiently.

You can set reminders based on location with your iPhone. No longer do you need to give Siri a time to remind you of a specific task. It will call you when you get home. When the phone's GPS realizes you are home, it will give you the reminder. This is convenient for times that you want a reminder, but don't know exactly what time you'll need the reminder.

Want to use an accented letter or an umlaut, but are not sure what to do? It is as simple as this. Touch the letter you want to change, and hold it for a bit. A pop-up box should appear with extra keys. You can type fancy letters to your heart's content!

Tips And Advice For Getting The Most From Your New Iphone! Are you doubting the wisdom of what you just typed into iMessage? Is Auto Correct incorrect? If so, then all you have to do is shake the iPhone. Anything you've typed will be erased in seconds. This feature is optional, so look at your Settings in order to see if it is enabled.
Get The Most For Your Money With These Iphone Tips Keep in mind you don't have to always need to press X each time AutoCorrect pops up to suggest a correction. Just tap somewhere else on the screen instead. That closes the box for you, a much faster solution.

If you prefer hearing clicks every time you hit a key while texting, you can turn that feature on in your phone's Sounds section. You will know each character has registered by the sound you hear.

Always ensure that you are keeping your iPhone's OS up to date. Because of the fact that iPhones are now almost equivalent to a laptop there are many things that can go wrong that need to be fixed. For security purposes and all-around general usage, it's imperative that you update your OS as needed.

As an iPhone user, you probably know that there are countless options and functions at your fingertips. However, because there are so many, it's easy to get lost in trying to figure everything out. Utilize the knowledge you've just learned so that you can completely maximize your iPhone's use.