Unraveling The Secrets Of The IPhone: Tips And Tricks For Fans Of The Apple Device

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The iPhone has transformed the way many people conduct their everyday lives. You must be properly educated if you want to be able to take advantage of all your iPhone has to offer. Start below with some of these smart ideas and tips, and you'll be one step closer to mastering your device.

Now that you have an iPhone, getting lost is a thing of the past. The map application that is included in your phone's software will allow you to see your location anywhere that you have service. This can help you find your way if you are lost or take a wrong turn.

On Safari, you can save images from Safari or Mail very easily if you know how to do it. All you have to do is touch the image you'd like to save, and hold on for a few seconds. Then you'll receive a popup with a list of options. Of course, now it's just as easy as selecting "Save."

Have you lost a great picture because your camera app did not come up quickly? Here is a simple shortcut that will solve that problem. While you have the screen locked, quickly touch Home button two times. A camera icon will appear at the bottom of your screen after you do this. Press the button and your camera is ready to go.

Are you writing in another language or using a foreign word? You can add accented letters to your text. Here's how. Hold down the alphabet character you want to accent instead of tapping it. You will see a box appear that has several more keys. There you can choose as many of those keys as you'd like!

You can turn your iPhone into a thumb drive by equipping it with an app that lets you upload files to it. You can upload music, short videos, pictures and even text files. All you will need to do is plug your phone into a computer to access the files, or you can open them on your phone.

Get The Most For Your Money With These Iphone Tips Are you wondering about what you have put in iMessage? Is AutoCorrect confusing the meaning of what you write? If so, then all you have to do is shake the iPhone. This will get rid of recent typing automatically. Since this feature is optional, you will have to enable it through the Settings menu.

Use the following trick to make messaging quicker. If the dictionary has provided you with a work you do not like, just tap anywhere on your phone's screen to get rid of it. You don't need to hit the "x" provided by the word.

A lot of iPhone users want to use accented letters and other features in their text, but they simply can't figure out how to do it. It is easy; this is what must be done. Holding down the letter you wish to use for a quick second is all that you need to do. A box will appear with some extra keys. You can type some fancy letters as much as you want!

IPhone Advice That You Should Know About Are you having second thoughts about the latest missive you entered into iMessage? Did Auto Correct alter what you intended to say? The easiest way to undo this is to just give a quick shake to your iPhone. This motion will erase the message allowing you to type it again. Because this particular feature is optional, it may be necessary to enable it under the Settings menu.

As you can see, there are many things that make the iPhone simply the best smartphone out there. No other smartphones can compete with the iPhone in power and functionality. It has clear advantages that make it the number one smartphone available. Iphone Tips And Tricks To Make Life Easy