5 Ways to Stay Motivated During Physical Therapy

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Versione del 11 Mar 2015 alle 20:37 di Periodpantry98 (Discussione | contributi) (Creata pagina con "Initial recover with physical therapy can be achieved within 12 weeks, with complete recovery within one year. Half of the people who undergo knee replacement surgery are unde...")

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Initial recover with physical therapy can be achieved within 12 weeks, with complete recovery within one year. Half of the people who undergo knee replacement surgery are under the age of 65 and a 2013 study by the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS) and health economists reports there are over 600,000 of these surgeries performed each year in the United States.

Why Consider Knee Replacement Surgery?

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After an injury or surgery, it is quite common to find your ability to move is limited, or that you have less functional strength and mobility than you had prior to the event. Often in these cases, your general medicine doctor will prescribe physical therapy to help you re-learn proper movement patterns as well as regain your strength, flexibility, range of motion, endurance, and general physical independence.

When faced with your first physical or occupational therapy session you may experience nervous or excited emotions due to the fact that this will be a new experience for you. However, you will soon learn that therapy sessions typically consist of a lot of strenuous, physical work. The procedures, treatments, and exercises you undergo while in therapy may be strenuous, and at times even mildly painful. Here are five tips for staying motivated to get through your therapy sessions.

1. Understand Motivation

Motivation is a complex subject, but in short, everyone is motivated differently based on their genetic, social and cultural backgrounds. While something may motivate you, it may not necessarily motivate other people as well. The important thing is to understand specifically why you want to undergo therapy. Do you want to restore your mobility and regain your independence? Do you want to rehab that knee and get back to your favorite sport? Focus on what you hope to get out of therapy and set that image as an end goal.

2. Finding the Right Therapist

One of the biggest factors of your success will be your relationship with your physical therapist. While it is important to know they have the proper education, licensing, and qualifications, you should also get a feel for their bedside manner. Will they encourage and motivate you? Do you feel a positive connection with this person? If someone does not seem to be a fit with you, feel free to continue interviewing other physical therapists.

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After an injury or surgery, it is quite common to find your ability to move is limited, or that you have less functional strength and mobility than you had prior to the event. Often in these cases, your general medicine doctor will prescribe physical therapy to help you re-learn proper movement patterns as well as regain your strength, flexibility, range of motion, endurance, and general physical independence.

When faced with your first physical or occupational therapy session you may experience nervous or excited emotions due to the fact that this will be a new experience for you. However, you will soon learn that therapy sessions typically consist of a lot of strenuous, physical work. The procedures, treatments, and exercises you undergo while in therapy may be strenuous, and at times even mildly painful. Here are five tips for staying motivated to get through your therapy sessions.

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physical therapy