Communication Strategies Lab - CSL - EN - ASC

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The Communication Strategies Lab (CSL), of the Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione e dei Processi Culturali e Formativi (from January 2013 Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali), is a community of professors, students, researchers, professional with a varied background and based on the values of research, innovation, creativity. The Lab is engaged in the conception, design, development and monitoring of communication strategies for institutions, companies and private and public organizations.

Communication Strategies Lab (CSL), Firenze


Communication Strategies Lab (CSL)

Founding Year:



Via Laura 48, 50121 Firenze

Administration (structure, staff, representatives and collaborators):

  • Luca Toschi – research director
  • Arrate Cia –research collaborator
  • Gianluca Torrini - research collaborator
  • Stefania Chipa - research collaborator
  • Lorenza Orlandini - research collaborator
  • Camilla Lastrucci - research collaborator
  • Marco Sbardella - research collaborator
  • Gianluca Simonetta - research collaborator
  • Cecilia Lasciarfari - research collaborator



tel +39 055 2756196
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CSL carries on researches on communication; it focuses on the role played by new technologies and adopts a new communication model, called "generative".

The purpose of the CSL’s activity is the basic research supported by experimental and applied research. Therefore, the CSL’s researchers are engaged in the conception, design, development and monitoring of communication strategies for institutions, companies and private and public organizations.

Sectors of Intervention:

Strategic Communication

Activities (research/production/training/promotion):

The CSL works for the research, education and definition and development of communication strategies for public and private companies. The main areas in which the CSL operates are:

  • Definition and development of communication strategies, with particular reference to the relation between external and internal communication.
  • Monitoring of the communicative behaviour, design and development of instruments for the survey of the Key Performance Indicators (Indicators of the communicative strategies and communication campaigns performances).
  • Monitoring of the media, mass media and communicative identity, paying attention to the new social networking contexts.
  • Planning of the communication activities for the definition and sharing of a Communication Plan.
  • Organization and management of the activities of the Press and Communication Office.
  • Conception, planning and development of trans-media and cross-media communication campaigns.
  • Analysis and systematization of organizational internal and external communication processes.
  • Conception, planning and development of communication strategies for territorial marketing.
  • Social Media Marketing and communication strategies for web 2.0.
  • Design of environments for knowledge creation, management and sharing.
  • Conception, planning and development of digital environments for educational communication and e-learning.
  • Conception, planning and development of Augmented Reality communication strategies.
  • Conception, planning and development of communication strategies for cultural heritage and archives (heritage marketing).

Origin and History:

Technical Equipment (systems/software/tools…):

Projects (realized/on going/to be realized):

Projects with companies and institutions

The research project Santa Croce Comunica had the purpose of proposing a communication model for exhibitions and museums, conferring strategic priority to the welcoming of the visitor and making regular monitoring of the visitors behaviours.

  • Informazione istituzionale del 3W di Ateneo presso Unifi: monitoraggio, analisi, sviluppo
    Commissioned by the CSIAF, the CSL worked for the evaluation of the institutional communication strategies of the website of the University of Florence.
  • Comunicare Sicurezza (Regione Toscana)

The CSL realized a model of organizational communication able to valorise all the resourcesof the Regione Toscana working for in the security sector.

CSL developed a research project with the Azienda Ospedaliero-Univesitaria di Careggi (A.O.U.C), combining theoretic research on healthcare communication with research applied to the communicative objects of one of the most important national hospitals.

CSL works with the administrations of Figline and Incisa Valdarno in the project to merge the two administrations into a Comune Unico, and it supports the communicative aspects.

Languages and experimentations

  • is a digital place where Toschi, the Communication Strategies Lab’s researchers and other researchers and advisors, keep working for the theoretic reflection and the practical activity described in the volume La comunicazione generativa.
The blog is an example of the research on Digital Writing, a field that has been important for the CSL since its origins.

  • Augmented Reality Program

It is a new research branch that investigates the effects of the convergence of the Web with objects and environments.

150 Digit is a project with which CSL (in collaboration with ANSAS (ex‐INDIRE), CIRMA, VRMP and Ministero dell'Istruzione Università e Ricerca), experiments the application of the generative communication model to the educational field, creating an online communication and training environment where the exhibitions of Esperienza Italia for the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of Italian Unity can be compared with the everyday experiences of students and teachers.

Some researchers of the CSL have been working since 2009 with the Unicoop Tirreno’s Archivio Storico for the project of a blog,, dedicated to cultural discussion focused on memory and future.

AugmentedSport is a project linked to communication on and about sport, through a portal and several events (conferences, seminars, workshops).

In November 2012, CSL concluded a project,commissioned by Corecom Toscana, for the monitoring of the use that teenagers aged 11 to 18 make of mobile phones, from sms to social networks.

Educational Communication

Within theCl@ssi2.0 project (in collaboration with MIUR, ANSAS, USR and University) CSL is in charge of the monitoring of the transformation process that the learning environment experiences when technologies become part of educational practices.

  • IUL - Italian University Line

Il CSL contribuisce attivamente alla IUL.

Since 2006/2007CSL organizes courses on the LIM. The 2012-13 edition tackles also tablets, ebooks and mobiles.

The course aims at providing the necessary cognitive and analysis tools to take advantage of new technologies in order to improve one’s communication strategy.

CSL organizes some seminars with eminent personalities in field of social studies and in particular of communication (took part to these meetings, among others: Nicholas Negroponte, Derrick de Kerckhove, Donald Norman, Marino Livolsi, Mario Ricciardi).



  • Communication Strategies Lab, Realtà aumentate – Esperienze, strategie e contenuti per l’Augmented Reality, Apogeo, Milano 2012.

A series of experiences within a work in progress context (Smart Cities) and a variegated range of applications conditioned by technological development.

  • Alessandra Anichini, Francesco Antinucci, Alessandro Biamonti, Giovanni Biondi, Franco Cambi, Luca De Biase, Luca Toschi, Andrea Nardi, La didattica del futuro, Pearson Italia, Milano-Torino 2012.

To think about the future of education is fundamental, because without education there is no future.

  • Luca Toschi, Gianluca Simonetta, Stefania Chipa, Museum outside the Museum. Real environment Storytelling Let’s script ideas… ICT will follow! Ovvero il Contributo del Communication Strategies Lab all’edizione 2012 di ECLAP European Collected Library of Artistic Performance – Biblioteca Digitale Europea delle Arti dello Spettacolo.

ECLAP 2012 Conference on Information Technologies for Performing Arts, Media Access and Entertainment, edited by Paolo Nesi, Raffaella Santucci, Firenze University Press 2012 - Edizione Elettronica

  • Toschi L., Simonetta G., Chipa S., Quale comunicazione formativa per la società della Conoscenza. Un caso di studio: “150 DIGIT – L’Italia delle scuole”, in DIDAMATICA 2011, Torino 2011

Project and report of the experimentation of Generative Communication for the 150DIGIT – L’Italia delle scuole. (consulta in pdf)

  • Orlandini L., Augmented Reality e Comunicazione formativa on the job: scenari e prospettive per la formazione medico sanitaria, in Notiziario Online della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia – Università degli Studi di Firenze, Numero 3 – Anno IX, dicembre 2011.

A reflection on the use of Augmented Reality applications for the medical training and the educational training in general. (consulta in pdf)

  • Luca Raffini, Marco Sbardella, Gianluca Torrini, Luca Toschi, La comunicazione mobile dei giovani.

The results of a monitoring carried out by the Communication Strategies Lab for the Corecom of the Regione Toscana (consulta in pdf).

  • Stefania Chipa, Comunicazione formativa, beni culturali, Augmented Reality.
  • Laura Parigi, I contesti di esperienza della comunicazione e della formazione mobile: innovazione e re-mediazione.

The final report of a research directed by Luca Toschi and carried out by Laura Parigi: mobile learning as opening toward a paradigm for educational technology. (consulta in pdf).

  • Luca Toschi, La comunicazione generativa, Apogeo, Milano 2011

The volume collects the reflections that accompanied the researches, projects and the profession of circa 20 years of activity first of the Centro Ricerche e Applicazioni dell’Informatica all’Analisi dei Testi (CRAIAT) and then of the Communication Strategies Lab.

  • Alessandra Anichini, Il testo digitale, Apogeo, Milano 2010

Will keep reading, maybe more than before, in the same way and differently, but something will unequivocally change our habits.

  • Gianluca Torrini, History of ebooks.

A timeline about the history of ebooks, reading devices and the main events inthe development of digital publishing.

  • Gianluca Torrini, Testi digitali. Comunicazione formativa e ambienti per il knowledge management
  • Sergio Costalli, Identità e Cambiamento. Marchi distintivi dal mondo Coop. Debatte Editore, Livorno 2009

A reflection on how cooperation can contribute to respond positively to the current economic and cultural crisis.


Multimedia Files:

CSL UniFi il canale YouTube del CSL.
Comunicazione Generativa the YouTube channel of the CSL dedicatedto Generative Communication topics.



Augmented Reality:



Links to Augmented Reality Portals




Kind of Files:


Object (category) from Thesaurus Pico Cultura Italia:

Object (category, tags) free text:

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