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Versione del 6 Gen 2006 alle 22:44 di Francesco Proia (Discussione | contributi)

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Che la realtà artificiale potesse essere utilizzata non solo come strumento di comunicazione tra l' uomo e il computer ma anche come strumento di comunicazione tra più individui fu sperimentato inizialmente da Krueger Myron.

Con il suo primo esperimento il GLOWFLOW tentò di realizzare un ambiente reattivo in cui più individui potessero interagire con esso, la risposta del pubblico a tale esperienza fu molto positiva, segno che la realtà artificiale era realmente un luogo con potenzialità interattive molto ben più vaste di quanto ci si potesse immaginare.

(testo tratto da http://www.medienkunstnetz.de/works/glow-flow/)

For this reactive Light-sound-installation, Myron Krueger uses the walls of the dark space with four, transparent tubes containing differently colored, phosphorescent liquids. Also mounted to each of the four walls are two columns, containing the tubes (equipped with movement sensors). As visitors pass through this space, they activate visual and audio-effects, which integrate recipients into the work by way of perception and movement. The Glowflow experiment they set up was very simple and perhaps could be spiced a little bit more. The creation of illusory perception is not a new phenomenon and certainly wasn't during the late sixties. Creative students in psychology are always coming up with class projects that illustrate classical perceptual illusion. (I have been inside one.) What makes the author's system unique is the fact that his system is centered on technology. The way light bulbs and sound were controlled by computer was perhaps unique until their work. Another thing their project touches on, although they disown it for the large part, is the fact that their system was designed for user interaction. In choice of making the system more 'relaxing', they delayed and modified the feedback response. However, it is clear that the users were quite excited of the system being able to respond to their actions – to the extent that he thinks they are creating 'superstitions'.

GLOWFLOW is a computer art project Krueger developed in collaboration with Dan Sandlin, inventor of a video image processor; Jerry Erdman, a minimalist sculptor; and Richard Venezsky, a computer scientist. GLOWFLOW was exhibited at the Memorial Union Gallery at the University of Wisconsin in April 1969. It consisted of a computer-controlled lightsound environment that responded to people within it. In a dark empty room, four transparent tubes were attached to the gallery walls. The tubes had phosphorescent particles in water with each tube containing a different colored pigment. The room was completely dark, and the lighted tubes provided the only visual reference. They were arranged to distort the visitor’s perception as they caused the room to appear wider in the center than at each end. As the visitors walked down the length of the room they felt that they were going downhill with respect to their own position based on the direction of the tube.