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Florian Schneider "Third generation activism?"

What the car and the assembly line emblematized for Fordism is nowadays the mobile phone and all the other communication gadgets. Mobility is not any longer limited to the arrival and departure at the workplace including some weeks of paid vacation. In times of biopower and biopolitical production it is all about mobilisation of the entire life as such and in the broadest sense. Rather than just moral standards freedom of movement and freedom of communication are pre-conditions for autonomy as well as control amidst ever convoluted regimes of information and migration. Cultural, social and political rights are not anymore guaranteed but subject to management: Temporarily granted in real time they can get revoked as quickly as they got accorded without any need for further mediation. What does characterize up-to-date strategies of refusal, self-determination and resistance against these new forms of power? Which scopes and potentials are arising for new forms of communication, cooperation and collaboration? What is the political impact of spontaneous networking and ad-hoc-organizing?
Florian Schneider is a writer, filmmaker and net activist. He concentrates on how new communication and migration regimes are being attacked and undermined by critics of borders and networks. Schneider is one of the initiators of the No One is Illegal campaign and one of the founders of the noborder network and the Europe-wide internet platform, D-A-S-H. In 2001 he designed and directed the make world festival in Munich, and organised metabolics, a series of lectures on net art and net culture. He has also worked on several documentaries for the German-French television station, Arte, including What's to be done? which looks at contemporary activism. He also writes for major German newspapers, magazines, journals and handbooks.