Web Design Evolution

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Versione del 21 Feb 2015 alle 23:33 di Slashage0 (Discussione | contributi)

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Web design has come a long way since 1991 when the first ever website was published. It has evolved, and it's better than ever. Let's take a stroll down memory lane and look at how web design has evolved (for better and for worse) over the past two decades.

The Birth of the World Wide Web

In the early 1990s, Tim Berners-Lee took the bold step of creating the first browser. Yes, the World Wide Web was born. It was the start of a revolution. There were no images, just reams of text that was transmitted across the world. While design was not at the heart of websites during the onset of the 1990s, functionality was. The "pretty" aspect of web design came a little while later.

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Web design has come a long way since 1991 when the first ever website was published. It has evolved, and it's better than ever. Let's take a stroll down memory lane and look at how web design has evolved (for better and for worse) over the past two decades.

The Birth of the World Wide Web

In the early 1990s, Tim Berners-Lee took the bold step of creating the first browser. Yes, the World Wide Web was born. It was the start of a revolution. There were no images, just reams of text that was transmitted across the world. While design was not at the heart of websites during the onset of the 1990s, functionality was. The "pretty" aspect of web design came a little while later.

During the onset of the mid-1990s, going into the new millennium, the tide turned for web development and design. Aesthetics were beginning to take prominence. Now, websites had images, animations and buttons within their layout. With this complex nature came a need for companies who solely specialised in the creation of websites.

Going into the New Millennium

In the year 2000, there appeared to be something of a crash when it comes to web businesses. But, this wasn't for long. From 2004, the design standards were raised once more. Now, web developers and designers could edit their online creations with ease. And so, complexity alongside design becomes prevalent once more.

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Effective marketing requires something as crucial as web design. The competitive websites of today's modern world are designed for putting an emphasis on the content blocks for attracting the visitors and for transforming the visitors into prospective clients. The appearance of a particular website will determine the amount of traffic it will attract. For navigating more and more traffic, it is important that the content in the website is easy for accessing. Web designers use all the latest tools and trends so that you can generate a robust client base. All website owners look forward to the various latest trends available over the web.

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