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Versione del 13 Mar 2015 alle 00:17 di Anger02watch (Discussione | contributi) (alleinunterhalter)

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It has been suggested that certain types of classical music help the brain to focus more and to think creatively. Then there is also the school of thought that insists that listening to certain types of music will allow the brain waves to function in such a way that it will make the person more intelligent. There are many scientific theories that support this finding as well.

Because of the ability that music has to make us feel things in very profound ways, the study of the effect that music has on the brain is definitely one that holds a lot of weight. Due to its versatility, music has slowly become integrated into the field of science, as people are now seeing that there is a definite correlation between the type of music that you listen to and your brain activity when you are listening to that specific type of music.

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Music is powerful. For centuries people have written about how it affects us all in both positive and negative ways. For a long time, people have been studying the link between music and its effect on the brain. It has been suggested that certain types of classical music help the brain to focus more and to think creatively. Then there is also the school of thought that insists that listening to certain types of music will allow the brain waves to function in such a way that it will make the person more intelligent. There are many scientific theories that support this finding as well.

Because of the ability that music has to make us feel things in very profound ways, the study of the effect that music has on the brain is definitely one that holds a lot of weight. Due to its versatility, music has slowly become integrated into the field of science, as people are now seeing that there is a definite correlation between the type of music that you listen to and your brain activity when you are listening to that specific type of music.

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As a songwriter I enjoy writing and listening to simple music. As opposed to music that has: a thick rhythmic density, many different chords and too many different musical ideas in one song. Many people consider this to be simple music. Unfortunately they have the wrong idea of what simplicity actually is.

Some people refer to simple music as: boring, mass oriented, selling out and being a lazy songwriter.

Simple music is about balance. It is about taking 1 to 2 musical ideas, weaving them together and manipulating the musical elements just right. It's about adding in new elements - not so many to overwhelm the listener - so it engages their ear. Then ultimately adding in a few surprises that reveal something new about the song to hold the listener's interest.

Make no mistake there is plenty of simple music that is generic, uncreative and basic. That is more amateur music rather than creative. The clear distinction between the two is the sophistication within the music.

By sophisticated music I mean music that is easy to absorb, yet is still very unique and creative. This means having knowledge of many ways to build musical phrases and then organize them to create something simple. alleinunterhalter