Centro Multimediale del Conservatorio L. Cherubini di Firenze - EN - ASC

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Centro Multimediale del Conservatorio L. Cherubini di Firenze

(Multimedia Centre of the Conservatory “L. Cherubini” in Florence)



Centro Multimediale Conservatorio L. Cherubini di Firenze

(Multimedia Centre of the Conservatory “L. Cherubini” in Florence)

Founding year:



FIRENZE, Conservatorio di Musica "L. Cherubini", Piazza delle Belle Arti, 2 - 50122 FI


The Multimedia Centre of the Conservatory “L. Cherubini” in Florence comprises three sections:


  • Coordinator Martlab Section: Francesco Carreras
  • Coordinator Multimedia Production Section: Alfonso Belfiore
  • Coordinator technical staff: Roberto Neri


Music Conservatory "L. Cherubini"- Piazza delle Belle Arti, 2 - 50122 FI, Villa Favard (Conservatory L.Cherubini) via Aretina, 507, 50136 FI


Tel 0039 (0)55 2989319

Official website:



Even though each section has its specific tasks, the main purposes of the Multimedia Centre of the Conservatory “L. Cherubini” in Florence are the employment of new technologies and the promotion of communication and artistic expression through experimental means and multimediality. Among its objectives there are also the publication, design and realization of multimedia interactive works and the restoration and filing of audio files.

Sectors of intervention:

Electro music, computer art, video art, electroacoustic music, multimedia art, audio-visual installations, interactive art, sound design, live electronics.


Promotion, production and post production, research, events organization, didactic and training.

Origin and History:

The Multimedia Centre of the Conservatory “L. Cherubini” in Florence was born in 2009, as a service structure as provided for in article 17 of the Conservatory’s statute. The Centre joins the activities of the Martlab and the production activities of the Dipartimento di Musica e Nuove Tecnologie (MNT – Department of Music and New technologies) of the Conservatory. Since 2009 the Centre has designed and realized many important events and productions: the festival “ Festival Il corpo, la luce, il suono”, the project “Archivi sonori e della musica” (Sound and Music Archives), concerts and participations to festivals, like the “Festival della Creatività” and “Fabbrica Europa”. The Centre has also established important collaborations with Italian and foreign institutions and universities, such as: New York University, ISTI - Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dell'Informazione , Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale, University of Florence, University of Chester (UK), University of Montréal, CIRMMT Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology Qc. (CANADA).

Technical Equipment:

The Centre makes use of the technical equipment of its sections and of external laboratories.

Projects (fulfilled/ongoing/to be realized):

Realized Projects


  • Establishment of the instrumental ensemble MNT_Florence Ensemble. This project was born in the Department of Music and New Technologies during the course of Multimedia Composition and Art Installation. The ensemble made its debut in March 2010 during the multimedia event IL CORPO/LA LUCE/IL SUONO 2010, with a program realized under the direction of Esther Lamneck, from the New York University.
  • Performing Arts Laboratory. This project is aimed at the development of a multimedia artistic workshop where acoustic and electronic instruments, the languages of the most advanced interactive visual and music technologies, the use of the body - from gesture to dance - and poetry are merged together creating a conscious and intense artistic expression.
  • Acusmatic Space: Conference/concert (Sala del Buonumore/24 maggio 2011)

speaker: Simone D’Ambrosio (OICRM – Interdisciplinary Observatory of Music Creation and Research / Université de Montréal -Canada) with an audio-visual intervention by Robert Normandeau (Faculty of Music/ Université de Montréal). Abstract: the spatialization as a prerogative of the composition process, the acusmatic approach realized in the Faculty of Music of the University of Montréal by the research group in Spatial Immersion, directed by Robert Normandeau.


  • Project for the recovery and digitization of the Teatro Comunale di Firenze’s audio archive: project Digit@lis on the European Social Fund, (Partners: Ente Teatro Comunale di Firenze, MARTlab (Conservatorio Statale di Musica “Luigi Cherubini” di Firenze, Istituto ISTI C.N.R., Associazione Industriali di Firenze, Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università degli studi di Firenze.
  • Project “Archivi sonori e della Musica” (Sound and Music Archives).
  • Establishment of the project VivaVoce - Centro di Competenze e di servizi per le problematiche di conservazione, digitalizzazione, restauro e utilizzo nel settore degli archivi sonori e delle tecnologie relative (MARTlab – Conservatorio Statale di Musica “Luigi Cherubini” di Firenze, Istituto ISTI C.N.R., la Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale, Fondazione Sistema Toscana Mediateca Regionale, RAI Sede regionale per la Toscana)

Projects to be realized


  • Workshop of Performing arts at the New York University, The Steinhardt. School/Department of Music & Performing Arts Professions, NY.
  • Multimedia Concert I at the F. Loewe Theatre, New York.
  • Multimedia Concert II at the F. Loewe Theatre, New York.
  • Il corpo, la luce, il suono 2013.


  • Development of the Conservatory’s web radio (RadioCampus).




  • 18th July 2008 - Mutlimedia Concert Production

7thNovember 2009- Villa Favard - MULTIMEDIA CONCERT

7thNovember 2009- Villa Favard, REFULGET LABORES NOSTROS COELO, Exhibition of the sculptor Jeremy Turner (professor at the Chester University UK, Department of Performing Arts, Faculty of Arts and New Media)

March 18th - Sala Del Buonumore, MULTIMEDIA CONCERT

Marzo 19th - Villa Favard, MULTIMEDIA CONCERT

October 29 th - Sala Del Buonumore , Pathsof sound and light, audio-visual installation (several authors)

October 29 th- Sala Del Buonumore, MULTIMEDIA CONCERT, with MNT_Florence Ensemble directed by Prof. Alfonso Belfiore (electroacoustic music by several authors)

March 15th and 16th - Villa Favard, exhibition of interactive installations (several authors) and Paths of sound and light, audio-visual installation (several authors)

March 18 th - Sala Del Buonumore, MULTIMEDIA CONCERT, multimedia and electroacoustic works by several authors

March 25 th - Sala Del Buonumore, MULTIMEDIA CONCERT 1, multimedia and electroacoustic works by several authors

March 26 th - Sala Del Buonumore, MULTIMEDIA CONCERT 2, with the participation of Roberto Castello (dance) and Esther Lamneck (clarinet and tárogató)

March 27 th - Sala Del Buonumore, MULTIMEDIA CONCERT 3, with MNT_Florence Ensemble and with the participation of Esther Lamneck (direction, clarinet and tárogató)

28/29/30 September, 1/2 October–different spaces of the Conservatorio Cherubini (Piazza delle Belle Arti, 2 – Firenze), EXHIBITION INTERCATIVE MULTIMEDIA INSTALLATIONS, interactive multimedia works by Paola Lopreiato, Tommaso Rosati, Andrea Venturoli

September 29 th - Sala Del Buonumore – Conservatorio Cherubini (Piazza delle Belle Arti, 2 – Firenze), MULTIMEDIA CONCERT 1, multimedia and electroacoustic works by American and Italian authors, with the participation of Esther Lamneck (clarinet end tárogató)

October 2nd - Sala Del Buonumore – Conservatorio Cherubini (Piazza delle Belle Arti, 2 – Firenze) - MULTIMEDIA CONCERT 2, multimedia and electroacoustic works by American and Italian authors, with the participation of Esther Lamneck (clarinet end tárogató), Giorgio Albiani (guitar and live electronics), MNT_Florence Ensemble, Dario Brevi (dance)

Laboratories/workshops/training activities


  • 1/20 October 2010/Villa Favard, performing-arts laboratory, Direction: Alfonso Belfiore
  • 15/17 March2010 /Villa Favard, performing-arts laboratory, Direction, clarinet and tárogató:Esther Lamneck
  • 19th March 2010/Villa Favard, workshop: electroacoustic music and multimedia experiences, presentation and performance of multimedia works
  • 14/16 March 2011 /Villa Favard, performing-arts laboratory, Direction, clarinet and tárogató: Esther Lamneck
  • 16thMarch 2011/Villa Favard, workshop: electroacoustic music and multimedia experiences, presentation and performance of multimedia works
  • 24-27 March 2012 /Sala del Buonumore Conservatorio L. Cherubini, performing-arts laboratory, Direction, clarinet and tárogató:Esther Lamneck
  • 25th March 2012 Sala del Buonumore Conservatorio L. Cherubini, SEMINAR - TIMBRE TRAINER, by Tommaso Dini
  • 27/28/30 September, 1/2 October 2012- Conservatorio Cherubini (Piazza delle Belle Arti, 2 – Firenze), PERFORMING-ART LABORATORY, Direction, clarinet and tárogató: Esther Lamneck
  • 28 Settembre 2012 ore 10.30 - Sala Del Buonumore – Conservatorio Cherubini (Piazza delle Belle Arti, 2 – Firenze), WORKSHOP/ electroacoustic music and multimedia experiences, with the participation of Nicola Giannini, Matteo Masi, Tommaso Rosati, Leonello Tarabella, Andrea Venturoli


  • Professional course for “Studio Technician” on FSE, (Partners: MART Lab- Conservatorio Statale di Musica “Luigi Cherubini” di Firenze, Istituto ISTI C.N.R., RAI Sede Regionale per la Toscana)
  • Professional course with Maggio Formazione for “Classical Music Amplification Technician” and “Sound Files Storage and Digitization Technician”
  • Organization of a training day for VivaVoce, addressed to music librarian, archivists andoperators interested in the conservation of audio files, 18th July 2009.
  • Organization of a two weeks (from 28/09 to 2/10 and from 19/10 to 23/10 2009) specific training for music librarian, archivists and operators interested in the conservation of audio files
  • Organization of the international Convention “Documenti sonori” (April 2004)



  • Recording and production of the super Audio CD dedicated to the music of Ivan Fedele (I. Fedele, Capt-Actions, catalogue number NEOS SACD 11024)

Storage and restoration activities:


Fulfilled and on-going storage and restoration works

  • Recovery and restoration of Fondo Grossi
  • Acquisition, recovery and restoration of Fondo Prosperi
  • Project for the recovery and digitization of the Teatro Comunale di Firenze’s audio files archive: project Digit@lis on the European Social Fund , (Partners: Ente Teatro Comunale di Firenze, MARTlab (Conservatorio Statale di Musica “Luigi Cherubini” di Firenze, Istituto ISTI C.N.R.), Associazione Industriali di Firenze, Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università degli studi di Firenze
  • Acquisition of Fondo Casella
  • Acquisition of Fondo Pizzetti
  • Acquisition of Fondo Sablich
  • Digitization of the Scarlino discographic collection
  • Digitization of the Cicconi recordings collection
  • Recovery and digitization of the Conservatorio di Castelfranco Veneto’s discographic collection
  • Recovery and digitization of Fondo Piero Bellugi
  • Acquisition of Fondo Zaffiri
  • Recovery of the Istituto Toscano della Resistenza’s tapes archive

Designed works of storage and restoration

  • Inspection and operative technical evaluation for the recovery, digitization and restoration of the Fondo Mila of the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze
  • Inspection and operative technical evaluation for the recovery of FLOG’s tapes archive in Florence
  • Inspection and operative technical evaluation for the recovery and digitization of the Teatro Comunale di Firenze’s audio files archive
  • Acquisition of Fondo Terni

External Works:


Electroacoustic music compositions'

  • 2 STUDYES FOR FLUTE AND ELECTRO - Andrea Mancianti
  • ARCADIA - Matteo Masi
  • ELEKTROWALD - Gianmaria Ferlito, for vocal material and electro
  • ELEMENTI DISTANTI - Gherardo Monti
  • OCEANO - Marco Lanini
  • PERTURBAZIONI ELASTICHE - Giovanna Bartolomei
  • SIMULACRA_1 - Andrea Mancianti
  • TRASPARENZA - Irene Garuglieri

Composition with live electronics

  • ABYX - Lorenzo Pezzella-PRESS START - Lorenzo Pezzella, music and images for Nintendo DS, clarinet, cello and live electronics
  • BOTTIGLIE - Andrea Venturoli, for fixed media, images, live electronics and percussion
  • CON FORZE CHE SI SVOLGONO SFERICHE - Paola Lopreiato, for fixed media, images and tárogató, tárogató: Esther Lamneck, work commissioned and composed for Esther Lamneck, with the contribution of: Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali
  • PARC (Direzione generale per la qualità e la tutela del paesaggio,l’architettura e l’arte contemporanee), GAI, Associazione per il Circuito dei Giovani Artisti Italiani, work selected for the "New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival 2010"
  • DOUBLETHINK - Peyman Salimi, for piano, fixed media and live electronics
  • ESPERIMENTO #1 - Emiliano Bonafede, for electric bass and fixed media
  • FORME CAOTICHE - Maurizio Montini, for live electronics and video projections
  • IO - Gelareh Soleimani - for setar, fixed media, live electronics and multiprojection
  • JACARANDA - Leonello Tarabella, for tárogató, palmdrive and graphics, Esther Lamneck, tárogató, Leonello Tarabella, palmdrive and graphics
  • PLATES - Andrea Venturoli, for cymbals, wuhan gong, live electronics, with video projections
  • PSR 1257+12 - Emanuele Ricciardi, for flauto and live electronics
  • REACTIVISION - Gianfranco Scuotri/Giulia Vismara, for live electronics
  • TODOG (waiting for) - Alessandra Panerai
  • VARIAZIONI PER UNA MATTONELLA DEL SERRAGLIO - Tommaso Rosati, multimedia electroacoustic work
  • VITA INTERIORE - Paola Lopreiato, for fixed media and video, with live interventions of tárogató by Esther Lamneck

Audiovisual works

  • 09:10 AM - Jaime Ramos Perez
  • 3V - Daniela Cattivelli/Lino Greco
  • A LIAR SAW IT TONY - Leonardo Barbadoro
  • ALONE - Giovanni Ferretti/Niccolò Franceschini
  • ALTRE VOCI, ALTRE STANZE - Paola Lopreiato, audio-visual work
  • BERLIN ACTE 1 - di Walther Ruttmann, musica di Matteo Masi, Film-documentary
  • BROKEN DOWN CARS - Daniela Cattivelli e Lino Greco
  • COLLAPSUS - José Manuel Garcìa López, audio-visual work
  • COMPLESSI K - Andrea Cuccaro
  • DIAPOSATURA - Nicola Giannini
  • DOMINIO ULTERIORE - Edoardo Dinelli/Giovanna Bartolomei
  • GIOCOLERIA - Filippo Giannico, audio-visual work
  • IN MEZZO AL NULLA - Gelareh Soleimani Lavasani, audio-visual work
  • L'/LE OMBRA/E - Andrea Venturoli
  • L’ALTRO GIRO - Jaime Andrés Ramos Pérez, audio-visual work
  • LO SPAZIO IN MEZZO - Paola Lopreiato
  • LOCUS NIGER - Nicola Giannini
  • LUCEOMBRA - Fulvio Vasarri, audio-visual work
  • NEBEIS 2.0 - Giovanna Bartolomei/Edoardo Dinelli
  • ONIRICO - Mattia Borghi
  • PENSIERI INVISIBILI - Giorgio Albiani, multimedia “attempt" to tell the thoughts that inhabit a travel, multimedia work in collaboration with Serena Meloni and Giammarco Rossi
  • PORQUE ESCRIBI , Jaime Andrés Ramos Pérez, audio-visual work
  • QUATTRO PASSI NELL’ANIMA - José Manuel Garcìa López, audio-visual work
  • RORSACH HANDS - Cristian Gajardo Allende, audio-visual work
  • SILENZIOSO, INVISIBILE - Paola Lopreiato, audio-visual work
  • SINE RHYTHM - Gianfranco Scuotri
  • SMARRIMENTO - Gelareh Soleimani - for fixed media, images, setar
  • STORIE IMPOSSIBILI - Giorgio Albiani, unusual parallelisms, multimedia work
  • THE SOLDIER IN THE LABYRINTH - Dario Calamai/Luca Tavanti
  • THE X AXIS - Andrea Venturoli
  • TOTAL ECLIPSE - Alessandra Panerai
  • UN CUORE SOTTO UNA SOTTANA - Paola Lopreiato
  • UNA CERTA OBLIQUITA' DI LUCE - Paola Lopreiato
  • VIOLENT DINNER - Nicola Giannini, audio-visual work

Multimedia Installations

  • MY ROOM - Dario Ferrante, Veronica Fiorini, Mattia Gabbriellini, Giovanni Mazzanti,Eugenio Mininni, Gabriele Pineider, Katharina Stilo, Margherita Toschi, Giada Turini, collective audio-visual multimedia installation
  • RITORNI - Paola Lopreiato, multimedia installation

Interactive multimedia installations

  • CUBOIDSQUARE - Antonio Teti, interactive installation
  • DOVE VOLA LA NOSTRA VOCE? - Gelareh Soleimani, interactive multimedia installation
  • EMILY AND I - Edoardo Dinelli/Giovanna Bartolomei, interactive multimedia installation
  • NON MI BASTAVA IL RICORDO - Paola Lopreiato, interactive multimedia installation
  • SLIDING LIFE - Elham Asadi/Alessandra Panerai, interactive installation
  • SONUM COELESTIUM VISIONUM - Andrea Venturoli, interactive multimedia installation
  • THE MUSIC IF THE BULB - Tommaso Rosati, interactive multimedia installation
  • VISIONI AURALI - Luigi Chelli, a sensorial experience between listening and reality, interactive installation
  • VISIONI CUBICHE - Alessandro Pierotti, interactive installation

Multimedia performances

  • IL CORPO/LA LUCE/IL SUONO, interaction with Esther Lamneck e Roberto Castello
  • IL GIARDINO DELLA MENTE - Paola Lopreiato, multimedia performance for images’multiple projections, sounds, scenic actions and electronic
  • IL MAR DELLE BLATTE - Alessandra Panerai, multimedia work in three pictures, Verdiana Raw, voice and dance, Alessandra Panerai, live electronics (controlled with Theremin)
  • ROSE TRIP - Tommaso Rosati, multimedia performance

• STUDIO SULL'OMBRA - Nicoletta Andreuccetti, for fixed media and dance, Dario Brevi, dance

Productions to be realized


  • Electroacoustic works
  • Audio-visual works
  • Interactive multimedia installations
  • Multimedia performances
  • Performing arts laboratory 2013
  • Workshop: electroacoustic music and multimedia experiences
  • Seminar: Live art, performance and multimedia art. A journey that lasts one century: from futurism to dada cabarets, from Eric Satie’s music to Bauhaus events, from John Cage to Pina Baush, from happenings to video-art and cinema.
  • Communication and self-promotion seminar for young artists, musicians and composers. Learning to observe and use Internet to widen artistic and work perspectives.
  • Seminar: The Languages of Music: Persian tradition. In collaboration with the University of Tehran



  • Marco Ligabue, “Pietro Grossi: un pensiero al futuro” all'interno di Pietro Grossi. Avventure con suono e segno, A. Mayr (a cura di), Associazione Pietro Grossi/AlefBet, Firenze, 2011
  • Marco Ligabue, (saggio all'interno di) La musica con l’elettronica nell’opera di Ivan Fedele, Edizioni Suvini Zerbini, Milano, 2009
  • Rivista “Musica/Tecnologia” (Fondazione Franceschini-SISMEL / FUP-Firenze University Press), n.1/2007
  • Rivista “Musica/Tecnologia” (Fondazione Franceschini-SISMEL / FUP-Firenze University Press), n.2/2008
  • Rivista “Musica/Tecnologia” (Fondazione Franceschini-SISMEL / FUP-Firenze University Press), n.3/2009
  • Rivista “Musica/Tecnologia” (Fondazione Franceschini-SISMEL / FUP-Firenze University Press), n.4/2010
  • Rivista “Musica/Tecnologia” (Fondazione Franceschini-SISMEL / FUP-Firenze University Press), n.5/2011


  • Alberto Gaetti (traduzione di), IASA Guidelines, MARTLab/AIB/Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale, Roma, 2004
  • Alberto Gaetti (traduzione di), TC03 IASA, MARTLab/AIB/Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale, Roma, 2005
  • Alberto Gaetti (traduzione di), TC04 IASA, MARTLab/AIB/Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale, Roma, 2006

To be published and other works

  • Marco Ligabue, Salvaguardia e digitalizzazione del “Fondo audio Carlo Prosperi” presso il Conservatorio “Luigi Cherubini”, in Carlo Prosperi e il Novecento musicale a Firenze, Atti del Convegno, 14/6/2005, a cura di M. Ruffini, Gabinetto Vieusseux, Firenze
  • Alberto Gaetti, Simone Conforti, Roberto Neri - Recupero della collezione di nastri del fondo Grossi: stato di avanzamento. Rapporto interno Numero 1, 2008
  • Simone Conforti, Roberto Neri, Modelli e processi di gestione del suono nello spazio, Rapporto interno Numero 2



  • FESTIVAL DELLA CREATIVITA’ - Firenze 21 October 2010 - Il corpo/la luce/il suono, Loggia del Grano, 21 October audio-visual installation Dipartimento di Musica e Nuove Tecnologie – Conservatorio di Firenze, multimedia works session
  • SASCHALL FIRENZE - LE SCUOLE SI PRESENTANO – OPEN DAY - January 2011 Multimedia works session Paths of light and sound
  • I MERCOLEDI' DEL CHERUBINI – April 2012- Multimedia works session Paths of light and sound
  • SMILEA ESTATE - 2012, Festival organized by Comune di Montale and Teatri di Pistoia
  • SMILEA ESTATE - 2013, Festival organized by Comune di Montale and Teatri di Pistoia

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