Struttura - EN

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Struttura: 3 giorni sul mare digitale is a project on new expressive modalities of communication, on digital art and the use of new computer and electronic technologies. It started in 2005 thanks to a network of multimedia professionals and is active especially in Tuscany.




Founding Year:




  • Struttura I took pace from 9 to 11 September 2005
  • Struttura II took place from 15 to 17 September 2006


S.Vincenzo and Campiglia Marittima (Li)


Debates, video-installations, events and bookshop.

Promoting Institution/Producer:

Struttura is an initiative supported by Provincia di Livorno, funded by Regione Toscana, with the patronage of San Vincenzo and Campiglia Marittima.

Artistic Direction:


Organization Committee of Struttura 2005:

Struttura 2005 representatives and speakers :

  • Luca Farulli (Professor at the Accademia di Belle Arti de L'Aquila)
  • Antonio Caronìa (Scholar of the social and cultural influence of new technologies)
  • Giacomo Verde (since the 80’she has been making videotapes andvideo_installationstaking part to different festivals,also abroad)
  • Robert Pèttena (Artist from Florence who employs digital techniques and video-installations)
  • Tommaso Tozzi
  • Massimiliano Menconi
  • V – from Barcelona,
  • Gianpaolo D’Amico (researcher in the Centro per la Comunicazione e l’Integrazione dei Media (MICC) of the Università di Firenze)
  • Thomas Alisi
  • Marika Macchi (expert of technology innovation economic impact in Italy) and representatives of LILiK (laboratorio di informatica libera dell'Università di Ingegneria di Firenze)

Organization Committee of Struttura2006 :

  • Guido Cionini - videomaker [3]
  • Gianfranco Toninelli - web designer [4]
  • Giuseppe Panzarella - graphic designer
  • Pino Panzarella
  • Francesca Nadalini – organization secretary
  • Martina Becucci – press office
  • Francesca Tomassini - redazione

Struttura 2006 representatives and speakers : Sandra Lischi (Università di Pisa, author of the book “Il linguaggio del video”), Andrea Di Mario (curator of the video area of the Mostra del Nuovo Cinema of Pesaro), Luca Farulli (Università de L'Aquila, expert of digital art aesthetic), Franco Montanari (professor at the Università di Firenze), Valentina Culatti (producer, (researcher at the MICC of Florence), Valentina Tanni, Alessandro Ludovico, Paolo Cirio, Vito Campanelli.


Struttura IIPartners:, Nexmedia,, CircondarioValdicornia, Comune di San Vincenzo, Comune di Campiglia, Provincia di livorno, Regione Toscana - TRA ART, Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca Pisa Livorno. Also some of the most important national magazines assisted at the initiative, among them: Exibart.onpaper and Neural e MyMedia


Struttura events took place at Torre di S.Vincenzo and at the TeatrodeiConcordi in CampigliaMarittima.


For information:

Organization office:

Press Office:




  • become an opportunity for confrontation for those who wants to take advantage of all the potentialities offered by new communication means;
  • build a collaborative network (The structure of interpersonal links is a net that acts as a channel through which information spread) [1];
  • share perceptions and ideas on digital world in order to understand the range of the changeon-going in the artistic, social and economic field;
  • face the problems connected to the new digital cultural environments, which are often stranger to and totally independent from traditional art;
  • re-invent the digital tool.

Areas of Interest:

At the centre of Struttura there are communication and digital art, videoarte and Net art.

Origin and History:

Strutturais a 3 days event born in Tuscany with the aim of giving new stimulus and creative inputs to the research, experimentation and creation ofnew art forms linked to digital means and to the web. Stuttura’s talks are held by artist and critics and are accompanied by projections of videos and of the speakers’ works. The exhibition hosts video-installations and digital works and is born from the engagement of different professionals: artists, art critics, researchers and new technologies experts. They debate around topics concerning communication and digital art, with the awareness that, videoart and other forms of electronic artcharacterize what can be defined "ultra-contemporary art". The main purpose consists in questioning their possible future developments. The projects that have been presented, besides stimulating emotions, sensations and perceptions, contain several issues that the authors want to bring to the attention of the public. First of all the fact that the advent of the web is changing the way of producing art and that the digital frame doesn’t apply to only one medium, but is a transversal concept which introduces a new alphabet. [2] For this reason Giacomo Verde teknoartist [5], during the presentation of some of his video, stated « ...I was born as a storyteller and the need to use digital technologies was a step to become a storyteller of nowadays, not the presumption of being innovative... » [3]
Programma ofStruttura 2005
Programma ofStruttura 2006


Bianco-Valente, PetuliaMattioli, Ubermorgen and Paolo Cirio.


It is important to remember the web project Firenze by Google, and the projectGoogle Will Eat Itself by Ubermorgen and Paolo Cirio. Both works have been displayed during the 2006 edition ofStruttura.



  • (2006) Mencarelli Diego, Struttura: 3 giorni di Studi e visioni sul mare digitale
  • The catalogue with images and articles by the artists and critics that took part in the second edition of Struttura, can be requested via e-mailat the following address:
  • The event included a bookshop offering essays and materials about activism, art, video art, new media and digital communication culture in general. Here it is possible to download a pdffile with the list of the proposed titles.

Events and other activities:

Important exhibitions and events that have collaborated with Struttura:

Multimedia Files:




Augmented reality:

Latitude: 43.100801

Longitude: 10.537959

Link to augmented reality portals



  • [6] Struttura 2006
  • [7] Struttura 2005


  1. [1]
  2. da Idea Struttura 2005
  3. da ProgettoStruttura

Kind of File:


Object (category) from Thesaurus Pico Cultura Italia:

convegni, conferenze, seminari, Festival

Object (category, tags) free text:

attivismo, videoarte, nuovi media, comunicazionedigitale, multimedia, Net art, video, installazioni, estetica, arte, digitale

Related Voices:

Videoarte, Net art, Tommaso Tozzi, Giacomo Verde