Surprising Benefits Of Playing Action Video Games Online

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Versione del 12 Feb 2015 alle 20:23 di Deathbreak8 (Discussione | contributi)

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Have you ever feel thrill when you are watching a great action movie you like? Have you ever been to a theme park and get some excitement from a roller coaster for example? Well, all these excitement can be felt right in your own comfort of your own home! The answer to the equation is playing Action Games!

Playing of games is getting more and more popular day by day. More and more people are playing games with hand-held game consoles and game consoles. This is the trend right now, especially the introducing of PS3 and Nintendo W II. It can be a source of good relaxation to all. Many individuals have found that by playing their favorite games after working hard at work, they feel totally relax. It can be a source of therapy.

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Maybe you've heard that playing video games will rot your brain or lead to other negative consequences. While sitting in front of the screen for hours a day may take time away from other positive activities, the mental stimulation of game playing has proven benefits. Action games, fighting games and other fast-paced adventures can actually help your brain.

Studies have shown that playing action games can improve sharpness of vision, accuracy, alertness and response times. One study showed that gamers made accurate decisions 25% more quickly than those who don't play. Oddly enough, fighting games and shooters have demonstrated more positive effects than strategy based games. The fast action provides a high level of stimulation that keeps the brain active and engaged. The ability to focus on a task at hand while ignoring distractions is enhanced by playing these types of games.

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When it comes to video games, many parents are so protective of their children, and they do this for a good reason. When you allow your child to play action games randomly, they could be exposed to bad things including coarse language, nudity, gross violence and brutality. Nevertheless, not all action games are bad. In fact, playing action games can benefit both children and adults in various ways. Before you or your children play free games that involve action, ensure they are suitable. Some of the benefits of playing these games are surprising, and include:

Quick and accurate decisions

Some scientific researchers have now discovered that there is a strong connection between playing fast-paced action games and making fast, accurate decisions. Children who play these games are able to make sound decisions quickly when faced with challenges in their daily lives. Of course, every parent wishes that their children should learn to make solid decisions on their own.

Enhances hand-eye coordination

Researchers have also determined that the games improve the player's hand-eye coordination. You need a good hand-eye coordination to perform various daily activities excellently such as driving, typing, cleaning and many other tasks. Research has shown that surgeons who play action games have exceptional surgery skills compared to those who do not play.

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