Japanese Dishes: Sushi

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First of all, this is a staple of Japanese Cuisine and it has been around for a long time and has endless varieties. The most common components of Sushi includes raw fish that can be of different types but the most common in Japanese restaurants are tuna, salmon, mackerel and sardines. Then there are rolls depending on the one you choose, it can be with vegetable rolls which can either unpicked or picked and sometimes comes with rice rolls as well. All of these choices depend on personal preference and the restaurant as well as part of the world you are in. The side dishes that usually accompany this wonderful staple in Japanese cuisine include soy sauce, wasabi and ginger and they all have their own added health benefits.

If you are a newbie in the sushi world, your first time should be no regrettable because it is an amazing food that everyone should enjoy. On your first visit to any of the restaurants, go with someone who knows about this food so that you don’t end up hating it but if you don’t have anyone, read up on how to order and try to visit a couple of restaurants before settling for one. What you should know is that most very cheap ones have bad tastes and bad texture so go for moderately priced Japanese restaurants for a better experience. Choose the right restaurant as the staff will bend over backwards just to make sure that you make another trip to this same restaurant. As a new person, you should probably start with a type of fish called Maki, it is a thin slice of fish that is accompany with rice that is wrapped in seaweed. Start with one roll and work your way up.

As a first time sushi eater, there are etiquettes that you should know about, you should probably read up on them before going although they do not expect everyone to be a regular but it doesn’t hurt to learn a few of them such as asking for knives, you shouldn’t it implies that the meal is quite tough. Once you pick up a meal from the plate, make sure to finish it and not put back the other half back into the plate and the list goes one.

There are many health benefits that come with this popular Japanese dish and some of them are discussed below. Many sushi rolls contain a low calorie that doesn’t mean it applies to all types out there. If you are looking to control your weight or lose weight, this is the kind of food you want to add to your diet. If you are concerned about the calories and your weight, don’t go for deep fried rolls, opt for rolls that are filled with vegetables such as carrots and cucumber while you stay away from those that are heavy with mayonnaise or any of those creamy fillings.

Sushi contains protein which is a needed nutrient for your muscles to function properly. Protein is very abundant in fish which is why it is healthy but too much of it is bad and if you must eat it, makes sure it comes with vegetable rolls and sea foods like shrimp. This Japanese dish is mostly beneficial to the older people who suffer mostly from heart diseases, most ingredients used is making sushi helps to protect the heart and also lowers blood pressure. Go for side dishes or rolls with avocado and stay away from soy sauce and other sugary sauces which are unhealthy.