Konsum Art.Server: differenze tra le versioni

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Versione attuale delle 15:15, 24 Feb 2006

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Konsum Art.Server

"A few familiar figures lurk about the familiar LinX3D console ... With calm voice commands, she logs onto the Konsum slackerserver, a node of an independent network of noncommercial machines that lie in the shadows of the Pop nets. Meanwhile the digital eye atop the console scans her body, and in nanoseconds Dark_Star is staring at her datavatar, a skeletal three-dimensional doppelganger carved from codetext. She is face-to-face with her interface."

Erik Davis, San Francisco sci-fi writer on LinX3D

LinX3D is a Web3D console game with ASCII face avatars and ASCII login datavatars. In the LinX3D GAME the VR users assuming different forms, e.g. datavatars of net protocols in ASCII format, and the RL visitors as ASCII FACES meet up and interact in a common virtual space.

A game console in which the monitors of the applications are integrated acts as a trigger of a social multiUSER situation on SITE, local/real at the various sites of installation and online in the electronic net.

The Konsum Art.Server www.konsum.net is an art server founded by Max Moswitzer and Margarete Jahrmann in 1996. The idea of setting up a linux box as server connected to a local network of independent servers in Vienna made it possible to be able to use the server itself as arts material. The Konsum Arts_Server was used for script-generated art and live net-DJ-lectures.