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==Personaggio o gruppo:== Laibach


I Laibach sono un gruppo musicale sloveno di avanguardia fortemente associato con gli stili musicali industriale, marziale e neoclassico. I Laibach si sono formati il 1° Giugno 1980 a Trbovlje, Slovenia. I Laibach rappresentano un'ala musicale del colletivo artistico Neue Slowenische Kunst (NSK), di cui è stato un membro fondatore nel 1984. Il nome Laibach è il nome tedesco della capitale della Slovenia, Ljubljana.

I Laibach sono statai accusati frequentemente di posizioni politica sia di estrema sinistra che di estrema destra a causa dell'uso di uniformi e estetica totalitaria e anche per l'influenza wagneriana nella loro musica, principalmente in "Sympathy for the Devil (Time for a Change)" e Macbeth. Sono stati accusati anche di essere membri del movimento neonazionalistico che reincarna moderne idee del nazionalismo. Messi di fronte a tali accuse, i Laibach dice che abbiano risposto, " Noi siamo fascisti tanto quanto Hitler era un pittore." [1] Dato che Hitler era un pittore in gioventù questa risposta non nega apertamente le accuse ma bensì alimenta l'ambiguità legata alla band.


Life Is Life/Germania (Mute Rec., 1987, London) Sympathy For The Devil/Sympathy For The Devil (two different versions) (Mute Rec., 1988, London) Across The Universe/Maggie Mae (Mute Rec., 1988, London)

12" Singles

Boji/Sila/Brat Moj (L.A.Y.L.A.H. (in association with Les Disques Du Crepuscule), 1984, Bruxells) Panorama/Decree (East-West Trading Comp. (Cherry Red), 1984, London) Die Liebe/Groesste Kraft (Cherry Red, 1985) Geburt Einer Nation/Leben Heisst Leben (ins.) (Mute Rec., 1987, London) Life Is Life/Germania/Life (Mute Rec., 1987, London) Sympathy For The Devil 1/Laibach, 300.000 V.K. (Mute Rec., 1988, London) Sympathy For The Devil 2/Germania, 300.000 V.K. (Mute Rec., 1988, London) Sympathy For The Devil/Sympathy For The Devil (picture disc with two versions) (Mute Rec., 1988, London) Across The Universe/Maggie Mae/Get Back (Mute Rec., 1988, London) 3. Oktober/Geburt Einer Nation (live) ((German only 12" single)Mute Rec./Intercord Gmbh, 1990, London/Stuttgart) Wirtschaft Ist Tot/Wirtschaft Ist Tot (Mute Rec., 1992, London) Wirtschaft Ist Tot/Sympathy For The Devil ((remixes, for promotion only) Mute Rec., 1992, London) Final Countdown/Final Countdown (Mute Rec., 1994, London) In The Army Now/War (Mute Rec., 1995, London) God Is God (Mute Rec, 1996, London) Tanz Mit Laibach (Mute Rec., 2004, London) Das Spiel Ist Aus (Mute Rec., 2004, London) Anglia (album) (Mute Rec., 2006, London)

CD Single

Sympathy For The Devil/Sympathy For The Devil/Sympathy For The Devil ((picture cd with three versions) Mute Rec., 1988, London) Across The Universe/Maggie Mae/Get Back (Mute Rec., 1988, London) Panorama/Die Liebe/Decree/Groesste Kraft (Cherry Red, 1989, London) 3. Oktober/Geburt Einer Nation (live) ((German only cd)Mute Rec./Intercord Gmbh, 1990, London/Stuttgart) Wirtschaft Ist Tot/Wirtschaft Ist Tot (Mute Rec., 1992, London) Final Countdown/Final Countdown (Mute Rec., 1994, London) In The Army Now/War (Mute Rec., 1995, London) Jesus Christ Superstar / God Is God (Mute Rec., 1996, London) Tanz Mit Laibach (Mute Rec., 2004, London) Das Spiel Ist Aus (Mute Rec., 2004, London) Anglia (album) (Mute Rec., 2006, London)



Laibach (Ropot, 1985, Ljubljana) Rekapitulacija 1980-1984 ((double LP box set with booklet and poster) Walter Ulbricht Schallfolien, 1985, Hamburg) Neu Konservatiw (live) (Semi Legal, 1985, Hamburg) Nova Akropola (Cherry Red, 1985 (1987), London) The Occupied Europe Tour 83-85 (live) (Side Effects Rec., 1986 (1990), London) Opus Dei (Mute Rec., 1987, London) Slovenska Akropola (Ropot, 1987, Ljubljana) Krst Pod Triglavom - Baptism/Klangniederschrift Einer Taufe ((2x LP box)Walter Ulbricht Schallfolien, 1987, Hamburg (Sub Rosa, 1988, Bruxells)) Let It Be (Mute Rec., 1988, London) Macbeth (Mute Rec., 1990, London) Sympathy For The Devil (Mute Rec., 1990, London) Kapital (Mute Rec., 1992, London) NATO (Mute Lec., 1994, London) Jesus Christ Superstars (Mute Rec., 1996, London) WAT (Mute Rec., 2003, London)


Opus Dei (Mute Rec., 1987, London) Rekapitulacija 1980-1984 ((double CD box set with booklet and poster)Walter Ulbricht Schallfolien, 1987, Hamburg) Let It Be (Mute Rec., 1988, London) Nova Akropola (Cherry Red, 1988, London) Macbeth (Mute Rec., 1990, London) Sympathy For The Devil (Mute Rec., 1990, London) Kapital (Mute Rec., 1992, London) Ljubljana - Zagreb - Beograd (The Grey Area/Mute Rec., 1993, London) NATO (Mute Rec., 1994, London) Slovenska Akropola (Ropot, 1995, Ljubljana) Laibach (Ropot, 1995, Ljubljana) Occupied Europe Nato Tour 1994-95 (The Grey Area/Mute Rec., 1996, London) Jesus Christ Superstars (Mute Rec., 1996, London) M.B. December 21, 1984 (The Grey Area/Mute Rec., 1997, London) Rekapitulacija 1980-1984 ((redesigned and remastered)NSK Recordings, 2002, Ljubljana) Neu Konservatiw (live) ((digitally remastered CD release with booklet)Cold Spring, 2003, Northants) Laibach (NSK Recordings, 1999, Ljubljana) The John Peel Sessions (Strange Fruit, 2002, London) WAT (Mute Rec., 2003, London) Anthems ((double CD release with booklet) Mute Rec., 2004, London) Volk (Mute Rec., 2006, London) Volk Tour London CC Club (Live Here Now, 2007). Laibachkunstderfuge (MP3 - Mute Rec., 5. 5. 2008, London/CD - Dallas Rec., 2008, Ljubljana - CD-version only available in Slovenia)

Web Site

Laibach []