Bedwetting Issue - The Big Secret

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Nocturnal Enuresis (Bedwetting, which is nighttime wetting) and/or Diurnal (Daytime wetting) ... The general public is not really aware of these issues. There are just too many misunderstandings and misconceptions on this incontinence issue, which results in unnecessary suffering for kids and adults from the uninformed general public.

I have been running family incontinence support groups for over 20 years, with the present one being started August 2005. I have found over the years, there just far too much unnecessary suffering due to the incontinence issue.

Incontinence is a big issue that the general public is not really aware of; inasmuch as the subject is not openly spoken about in public. However, it is getting better due to manufactures promoting their products through advertising, especially the GoodNights for kids (and inserting their product in the movies), that people are starting to become more familiar with the issue.

The incontinent products that are provided for protection (Diapers and Pull-ups) are no more and no less than another form of underwear; it is just absorbent underwear.

The issue of bed wetting is a lot more common than general public thinks. There are an estimated 5,000,000 kids in the U.S. who are incontinent.

Whether a child has Nocturnal Enuresis (Nighttime wetting) and/or Diurnal (Daytime wetting), or both, is not really the important issue, but how it affects them is the more important issue. It often affects their self-image, self-esteem and confidence, which can last a lifetime.

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