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So many choices of gas to choose from, which one is worthy of being number one?

There are a lot of different choices out there when it comes to gas for your car; mainly it is the cheap gas and then the more expensive gas. At some places the difference in price between the two can just be a few pennies or it can be a lot more. The different types of gas that there are different grades of gas which means that one is supposed to be better for your car than the other one but honestly it is more of a personal preference or a standard you have based on a certain kind of car. For the most part both kinds of gas work well and for me and millions and millions of other people saving money where you can are what are best and the cheaper gas has never failed me or anyone I know. Plus with gas prices always going up a lot and then down a little it is best to get gas when it is cheaper. As for the cheap gas or otherwise known as discount gas, it is regulated by the EPA or the Environmental Protection Agency and has only a certain amount of fluorocarbons and additives in it so it meets the standards of what the United States EPA has set. The only difference that there really is between the cheaper gas and the more expensive gas is that the more expensive gas has more detergents added to it than what the cheaper gas has added to it. Detergents are a good thing because they help stop any and all residue from being created and formed. When there is a buildup present like this in your vehicle than it will burn more gas than what is needed and what it should be burning. Usually there is unleaded and two higher octane gases at a gas station, with that being said unleaded is a word that is not needed because there has not been any lead in the gas since the year of 1996. Anyways the next type of gas up is eighty-seven octane which is in reference to the compression ratio of the fuel that is in the engine cylinder; keep in mind that gasoline can ignite on its own which is what causes the engine to knock, and the higher the amount of octane that there is in the gas then the more compression that there will need to be before the ignition can happen properly. For the most part all vehicles are created to be able to run on eighty-seven octane with no issues at all. But with vehicles that are on the higher end of the spectrum it is more recommended to use the higher priced gas so it works better with your more expensive engine for your more expensive vehicle. Overall cheap gas for your vehicle is fine unless your vehicle is one of the most expensive and top notch vehicles out there.

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