Cats Can Smell Cancerous Cells

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It looks like they want to prove that they are as talented as dogs when it comes to grabbing attention as pets.

Alerting Cancerous Tumors

Cats have alerted many humans to cancerous tumors. Skin cancer and moles are quite easy to detect as they exist on the outer part of the body; but the cats are able to trace out complicated cancerous cells that are located within the body. An incident in Albert Canada reported about a cat that warned his owner that there was a tumor in his left lung by pawing at that side continuously. In another case in Tennessee, a woman was alerted to get her breast checked when her cat repeatedly pawed a bruised area and it resulted in an early diagnosis of breast cancer.

Some cats have been known to place their paws on cancer patients, indicating the places where they could have tumors and which the doctors were unable to find while other cats have reportedly sniffed the freckles on arms of cancer patients continuously even when that particular person had been unaware of any symptoms. There are reports of how in some cases, cats have cuddled their owners, who were suffering with cancer, just before their moment of death. This is because of their extraordinary olfactory senses that allow them to smell out the distinct odor that comes out of a human body before it starts shutting down.

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The cat is tearing up the $2,000 plus sofa, and not only is the cat scratching up the couch, but the chairs and carpet too and it has to stop. Some of my friends tell me to get it declawed and others tell me it is inhumane. I want to know why some consider it inhumane when it's just the claws; it's no real big deal.

What is declawing really like?

The closest thing that comes to mind in human terms is having your fingertips or toes cut off at the first joint under your nails. Not a very pleasant visual and it makes my hands and feet hurt just thinking about it. What it really amounts to is amputation, and it's extremely painful to cats. Cat claws are not attached the same way that human toenails are attached. They are very closely adhered to the toe bone and to remove the claw you need to cut the toe off at the first bone joint behind the claw. After you cut the claws off you also need to worry about the side effects.

What are some of the side effects of declawing?

One of the first and most obvious effects is right after the claws are removed. Your cat will have to shift their weight from the front paws to the back ones and, when a cat walks, over half its weight is supported on its front paws. The weight shift will continue from five to seven months during the healing process and can cause stress on all of the joints in the front of the body, including the spine. After the healing time your cat will be able to walk a little more normally, but not quite. This is due to scar tissue and the paw no longer being in its natural position. dog walking