Chess Sets In Memphis Tn

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The Staunton-style plastic playing pieces involve 16 black chess pieces (8 main pieces and 8 pawns) and 16 white chess pieces similarly. All the elements come packaged in a convenient tin which is perfect for storage or travel.

What is unique about Chess Teacher is that in addition to the pieces are instructional diagrams which attach to the piece itself. These indicate appropriate piece movement such as which direction they can maneuver and how many spaces.

A user guide is also included which provides detailed chess rules and tips for beginners. The guide begins with the basic outline of each piece and how they are to be placed and moved across the board. Next, an outline of chess rules from setting up play to movements of the pieces. The guide details many special moves which are important in learning how to play chess effectively. These moves include; capturing a piece, castling, capturing en passant, promotion and check. Endgame is briefly addressed as well and players can learn about checkmate, resignation and a draw. The user guide concludes with a few tips on chess to assist you in playing well from the beginning.

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When you engage in a game of chess, two things stand out broadly; patience and will power. This is a board game like no other and has been played all over the world from as early as 1475, when the rules that govern the game were put in place. So why is such a brainy game so popular? Well, this has to do with the benefits it offers to the human brain. Below are some of them that might actually make you want to learn how to play: Chess Tournaments Memphis, Memphis Chess Club Ipa, Memphis Chess Camp

· Communication

Besides the two virtues mentioned above, communication is another added advantage you will gain from playing chess. People usually think that the word communication is synonymous to speaking; quite to the contrary. When playing the game, you learn how to silently read your opponents body language and one learns to be a very good listener and observer. There are a million ways you can think of using these traits. Simply putting it, it helps raise your IQ to a level where you perceive things differently and in the business world, you can use this to negotiate deals by using the same strategy as the game. Chess Camp In Memphis, University Of Memphis Chess Club

· Brain health

Chess is a game with multiple numerical combinations that are then turned into a strategy. You use your thinking capacity to calculate the possibilities to find a solution. That in its own way is exercising your brain, which works like a muscle. Like any other muscle in the body, the brain requires to be exercised regularly. Good example that this actually works is that it can be used to calm aggressive children by indulging them into concentrating on the game and finding solutions. Another research published in The New England Journal of Medicine shows that people aged above 75 years who engage in the game stand lower chances of developing dementia compared to their counterparts who do not play the game.