Follow A Healthy Food Guide To Keep Hypertension At Bay

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If you are starting a new healthy eating program you want to make sure that this oil is included. It is the foundation of the Mediterranean diet, who have the world's longest-living cultures. Many of the health-promoting effects of the Mediterranean diet have been credited to olive oil consumption.

What Are The Health Benefits?

The reason that olive oil should be on your healthy foods list is down to a combination of two key health boosting nutrients. These two nutrients are monounsaturated fats and tyrosol esters.

Firstly, monounsaturated fats help to strengthen blood cholesterol levels, which reduce your risk of heart disease and improve blood glucose levels which helps in the treatment of diabetes. The other nutrient, tyrosol esters, help to safeguard against a number of health conditions and infections and also alleviate pain, support your vital organs and fortify your immune system.

Why You Should Control How Much You Consume?

Despite the fact that olive oil is one of the healthiest foods around, it is pure fat so you need to be careful how much you consume at any one time. One tablespoon contains approximately 120 calories so adding just a few tablespoons to your meals can really raise the amount of calories in your food and meals.

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Hypertension is a serious health condition that affects people of all ages across the globe, irrespective of their geographical location and lifestyle. As per the 2012 global health statistics released by World Health Organization, India alone accounts for 15% of world's uncontrolled hypertension patients. That is about 23.10% men and 22.60% women over the age of 25 years who suffer from this disease. Heart disease prevention is one of the prime reasons for urban masses concentrating on fitness. However, prevalence of hypertension is traced in rural areas too, where physical strain is excessive. Many bear a misconception that hypertension can be diagnosed early with a certain set of obvious symptoms like headache, nose bleeds, dizziness, lack of breath and several others. However, the truth continues to be neglected.

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure is an asymptomatic disease in general. A person can be suffering from hypertension for years, without even knowing it. The best way to deal with it is early diagnosis and prevention. Stress, excessive salt intake and lack of healthy heart-friendly nutrients in diet being the main causes of HBP, a healthy diet and regular exercise routine is always emphasized upon by the health experts. As it becomes a bit difficult to count the fat contents of foods, every time before eating, the doctors have proposed a DASH (Dietary Approaches To Stop Hypertension) strategy that effectively lowers the blood pressure.

A DASH diet basically focuses on enjoying a wholesome diet, with the inclusion of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, fish, poultry, nuts and low fat dairy products on a daily basis. As red meat, excessive sodium intake and synthetic sugars aggravate the situation, DASH diet solely concentrates on the consumption on food that score high on healthy fats and rich nutrients that maintain the blood pressure. To help you get started, here is a simple healthy food guide that is easy to follow and helps prevent hypertension effectively.

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