Health Care is a Rip-Off

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Remember your high cholesterol!" By the time we are forced to go in to the clinic by some scary symptom, we are already in trouble. It is too late for health care -- now it's time for drugs and scalpels.

Depending on a doctor for information on preserving your health is like closing your barn door after your horse has escaped. It's too late for doing the easy, inexpensive course of action. Now, you're in for it!

So, forget about health care. Health care is not about health. It is all about getting you back on the factory floor or back in your cubicle, ready to work, so you can keep paying your premiums. It is about extracting as much money as the law allows by sending you in for tests, which you may or may not need. It is about selling you prescription drugs that you are instructed to take for the rest of your life -- drugs that counter the effects of your bad food choices, for example.

Doctor: "The lab tells me you haven't brought your cholesterol down with a change of diet and exercise since the last time I saw you, John. What I can do -- to get you down into a safe range for your LDL -- is give you a prescription for Lipitor."

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The healthcare industry is composed of multiple segments pertaining to different practices in medicine that provide different services. These services deal with different procedures and methods that address a variety of medical needs.

The service may come in the form of a diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and other service. The services can be under the sector of pharmaceutical, dental, medical, nursing and many more. The services being offered are abundant that is why the amount of health care workers that are needed is so high. Millions of health workers are needed through out the world in different health institutions like hospitals and clinics.

Health services are offered at any time because different people may need them due to various or special reasons. Some health workers should always be available that is why they have people who are on call in hospitals and doctors offices. Health workers provide services on different people in different age brackets.

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I recently had an experience that opened my eyes to the healthcare system. I have been fortunate to have good insurance coverage for the last 30 years. I am like many others, when the cost of care doesn't impact my pocketbook; I am not a wise a consumer as I should be.

We recently have had changes in our insurance coverage, as many of you have experienced too. We have had some hefty out-of-pocket costs that has set me on a journey to be a wiser consumer.

I found a report by Kiplinger "50 Ways to Cut Your Health Care Costs." I will share a few of the tips here. I have added it as a link on the website under resources. You may explore it further. I will hit the high points. Some you will know and others I hope you will find new and useful.

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Insurers have negotiated pricing with providers. radio monitoring