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But you may not be financially equipped to jump right into a new venture or to take your venture to the next level. Luckily for you, there are angels waiting to help you out; quite literally. They exist in the form of ‘Angel Investors’, who are keen on funding promising projects. If you have the right idea and the right investor, your business can soar, sky high. But it is not just about getting the seed money for your project. It is even more important to choose the right Angel Investor who could help you throughout. Ventures Today offers a wide range of angel investors for adept entrepreneurs to choose from. Types of Angel Investors Though there are no official classifications or types of angel investors, they can be differentiated into three categories by the kind of investment they bring in. An Angel investor can be either one among the three or a combination of any two or even all the three in one person. But for the sake of understanding and distinguishing between the three, let us try to define them. · The first type is the very obvious, an angel investor who invests his money in your project. · The second type is someone who doesn’t invest money directly, but helps kick-start your business by providing contacts or introductions to other interested investors. · The third type is a special kind. The industry veteran, who is a living encyclopedia. This angel investor invests his knowledge and expertise, providing you with key inputs and strategies on running your business successfully. Be it any kind of angel investor that you are looking for ventures today has a pool of options to choose from. Where to Find Angel Investors? The first and the easiest way to find an angel investor, is to ask around. Enquire people if they know someone who would be interested in investing in your business. There are also several angel networks and associations across the globe, which you can approach to find an investor. To be able to sell you idea, it is mandatory that you put in some effort. Attending entrepreneurial events and conferences, meeting new people and making contacts will help you on the longer run.

How to Identify the Right One for You? It is always wise to accept any help that comes our way. But it is even wiser to choose the right kind of help when you have the option of picking the right fit. Choose an investor, who will not only invest money, but who will be a mentor. A mentor will always guide you and help you throughout the course of action. If you can find an investor from a similar business background, it is very beneficial. Before approaching an investor, do a research on them. Try to learn their story, their style of business and all other necessary details. In today’s internet age, any information is practically a click away. By doing a study on several probable investors, you can always zero-in on the right one for you. At ventures today , we help you identify the right angel investor for your venture and guide you through out the path of investing right from the scratch. Find the right angel investor for your new venture register with ventures today right now.

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