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It's no secret that celebrities are always gossiped about. No matter how large or tiny the issue - such as a small rip in their jeans, it always ends up in some gossip magazine or column and scrutinized avidly by the fans.

There is a fine line that separates celebrity news from celebrity gossip. No matter how thin the line, there is a way to distinguish one from the other.

News is based on facts (mostly) and contains information regarding current events, places, and people. Its form of medium is usually through newspapers, live television, news websites, and of course radio broadcast.

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We know that the lives of the celebrities provide fodder celebrity gossip sites. The celeb gossip columns move in ebb and tide, resonating with the influence of the personal lives, achievements and involvements of the celebrities. But this flow is not a one-way movement. There are times when the entertainment news sites and publications make a strong impact on the lives of the celebrities. And then you find that the real world is being controlled and even dictated by the power of the written word. That's when you begin to assess the true impact of what is written in the paparazzi scoop columns.

Let us study this strange phenomenon with an example. We know the celebrity gossip sites publish news and update that deal with their personal lives. Sometimes celeb gossip sites move away from their point of focus and depend on unreliable sources of information. They pass off distorted facts as paparazzi scoops. Reputed entertainment news sites cannot wash their hands off this blame. If they carry a story about an extramarital affair that is just not there, the spouse or the partner of the persons in question may be tempted to believe the story, coming as it is from authentic sources of information. The scandal sees the light of the day and nothing remains the same anymore.

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Fame can be costly at times. The wide range of celebrity gossip sites provide proof of the fact that people like talking and knowing about celebrities. The vast popularity of the celeb gossip portals see a lot of traffic each day, asserting it that people love to read about them and be updates. Entertainment news sites are coming up every other day to keep you posted on what is happening in tinsel town. But this life is something that gets under the skin of the celebrities. They complain that their every little act or the lack of it is reported in the columns.

Celebrities have a major complaint against the celebrity gossip portals. The complaint is simple: they need to be left alone when they want their private moments to remain so. Celeb gossip sites are in no mood to relent because trespassing into the private lives of the celebrities is their bread and butter. They are only feeding an insatiable demand of the readers of the entertainment news columns. Nothing makes these portals tick than inside scoops about what is happening behind the scenes. The paparazzi would give an arm and a leg for a shot of a celebrity hanging around with an extra-marital partner.

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