New to MLM and Now Why Are You Afraid to Talk to Friends and Family About MLM

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These produced leads which I put into my sales funnel, which directs to a close.

Remember this point - it's really important. Marketing is fine and effective marketing will produce sales leads. It still requires a salesperson to close the lead into business. Many small business owners forget this but need to have created their sales funnel and their sales process within the funnel.

My friend needs to do this and if he doesn't have any existing business, then he ought to research how someone like him gains new business. Knowing the sector I suspect it comes from:

Existing active client referrals at 50%

Network referrals at 15%

Buying leads on the internet and other bought data at 25%

Orphaned clients (old ones where no business has been conducted for a while) at 15%

These are my best guestimates but also prove the point that it's pointless doing other marketing if it doesn't actually work.

Be wary of internet marketing

Be very wary of the internet marketing, social media, search engine optimising your website for leads, paying for online advertising. Every day I get emails from so called SEO companies offering to get my website higher up the rankings. I read a blog post today from my friend Graham Jones who reported that it's very easy to get lured into online marketing for two reasons.

One, it's actually quite easy to do, is faceless and you don't get any rejection from prospective customers.

Two, it's dead easy to measure how successful it is but not how much business it produces. It's simple to add up your Twitter followers, how many Facebook followers you have, how many "likes" your latest article received and how many retweets you had. These stats give people pleasure and the illusion that it works.

So back to my financial adviser friend and how he can get some prospective clients.

Your sales process

Once he's analysed how he can put people into his sales funnel, he needs a database management tool to act as his CRM, to create his sales process, wrap it into his CRM and stick to it rigidly. CRMs don't have to be enterprise level and costly. Something like Nimble or Pipeline will do just as well at $10 per month.

My sales process looks like:

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ways to make money fastThere can be many reasons for fearing MLM, one could be that you were dropped as a child and hit your head so hard you still can't see straight, or you have no regard for life. But don't panic, worse things have happened.

Would it surprise you to hear that in MLM everyone was afraid of talking to people and they still are to some extent? We've just learned to hide it better.

Let's look at the three (3) challenges most Network Marketers are afraid of:

Rejection - People are naturally afraid of rejection. That's right, every single individual in this planet no matter what profession they're in is afraid of rejection. The question would be if you weren't afraid. That would make you a space alien from another solar system. Learn the following, "People are not rejecting you, they are rejecting the MLM Company or the profession all together." You gotta understand that MLM is not for everyone.