Roofing Considerations to Make When Building a New House

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The roof is one of the most important structural features of a house, apart from the fact that it shields against elements, it adds to the beauty of a house. When you choose the best roof for your home it means you have added to the beauty of your house, increased your comfort, and protected the interior of your house. You have to know the pros and cons of materials to use for your roof and how best to take care of a roof for you to have the best roof.

We first take a look at the various types of roofing materials and their pros and cons.


This is the most common materials to use on your roof because its ability to withstand tough weather, last long, and resist fire and mildew. Metal is also ideal for harsh weather because it reflects heat during summer and sloughs off snow during winter. Their major disadvantage is that it can be noisy when it's raining and can be rusty if used in houses near oceans and seas. Most of the metal roofing materials are made of coated copper, steel, and aluminium.

Wood shake

Wood shake materials for your roof are made of wood, with the most common one being cedar. They can last long if properly maintained, allow circulation of air, and are insulated well. They have various setbacks including rot, being eaten by insects, and growing moulds, they also pose major fire hazard in fire prone areas.


Made out of carved rock, this material is beautiful and has ability to last for centuries. It can resist fire and attacks by insects; however, it's relatively expensive, breakable and is heavy thus requiring extra support.

Ceramic tile

This material is ideal for your roof because affordable, durable, resists damage by insects, and resists rot. The major disadvantages include being highly breakable, and large weight, which means they require stronger support.


This roof consists of living plants, drainage and irrigation. Its source of beauty for the home, prevents run-off of rain water, and insulates the home well against elements. The major challenge with such roofs is the high installation and maintenance costs.

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Shelter is a basic need for survival. House building for a home can vary from the simplest construct of putting up a tent or lodging made of leaves and twigs to a tall structure with how many floors and ample spaces. House building even the simplest construct takes more than the typical scope of a construction article in a publication; however, there remain are general guidelines and common simple steps that entail house building.

An important consideration is climate that must be accomplished in house building to be strong enough to stand against floods, storms, severe heat, very cold temperatures, and other intense climatic conditions. The foundation of a home should be stable. Structures constructed on sand material, muddy soil, or other uneven terrain will possibly deteriorate in just a matter of time, not unless they will be built on specialized grounds or pilings. Available electricity, drinkable water, phone line, and other amenities should be provided within the location for house building. When planning for house building, it is important to consider the infrastructure within the vicinity. Contractors Fort Mcmurray