The Mechanics of Communication

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There's no denying the fact that trampolines are a great deal of fun. Whether you're a young child or just young at heart, there's nothing else in this world that can compare to the weightless feeling you have when you can jump three or four feet into the air without even really trying. The design of the trampoline is very simple, and it still uses the same trampoline parts that were used to make the original devices way back in the 1930's. However, if you're interested in learning a little bit more about how the trampoline provides such a sensation without the aid of motors or wings, here are some facts about trampoline mechanics.

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Do you know why it's important to find a good mechanic or a good repair shop to repair your car? The reason: it could save you hundreds of dollars in parts and labor! When we say a "good mechanic" or a "good repair shop", we're referring to mechanics who are equipped with the latest technology. You don't want to entrust your car to a shop with outdated machinery and equipment because it will take longer to arrive at a diagnosis. And the longer a mechanic takes to make a diagnosis, the larger your bill for labor!

Remember that car mechanics charge by the hour.

Car repairs can cover any one or a combination of the following (note that this is not a complete repair list).

• Air conditioning checks • Air bag checks • Electrical wiring • Cables • Clutch service and repair • Transmission repair • Wheel Alignment • Suspension • Brakes • Heating system • Oil and lubrication • Battery • Power windows

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In order to formulate powerful communication statements and get your message across with influence, you firstly need to step back and analyze the mechanics of communication.

So what are the mechanics of communication?

The mechanics of communication are often used in communication training to explain how communication works at the technical level. This concept also is very helpful in increasing awareness of how you communicate and probably not something you would normally think through.

Communication can be broken-down into three core areas.

The Communication Components

The Communication Message
The Communication Process
Lets explore each one of these areas.

1. The Communication Components

The components of communication separate into 3 points.

They are words, tone and non-verbal, or normally referred to as body language. These all take up a certain percentage of the message meaning.

According to some experts words equate to approx 7% of the message, tone 35% and Non-verbal 58%. I think this may differ depending on the context of the communication, but the interesting point here is how little words contribute in the overall percentage amount. How much time do you spend trying to get your words right, when the other two components far out weigh in their contribution to the meaning of the message.

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