Top 3 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business’s Internet Marketing

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As businesses look at their New Year and start to set goals for the future they are forced to admit that some misunderstandings about business are slowing their success. This is especially true in the SEO World. There are some specific differences between the businesses that succeed, and those that falter online.

Here are 5 resolutions that will help improve the success of your online business in 2015

1. I resolve to be Customer-Centric

The days of focusing on SERPs and Search Engines are over. Ranking and traffic have not been the benchmark of success for several years. In 2015 ecommerce businesses need to focus on the customer. What is trending? What do consumers want? If you don’t know then you are already loosing revenue.

It doesn’t matter if you are on position #1 for the high traffic keywords if almost no one using those keywords are ready to buy. It is amazing how difficult many websites make it difficult to find the ‘buy now’ button, or make it almost impossible to find a ‘real person.’

2. I will Be Real Online

Why are Ebay, Amazon, and many of the other multi-million dollar a month websites successful? The one thing they share is ‘seller accountability’ and ‘buyer protection.’ A more important feature is that the seller is real. It is very easy for them to contact the owner.

Many of today’s ecommerce business owners want a turnkey business. Why do you think that review sites, social networking, and sites like LinkedIn are successful? It is because consumers can build a relationship with the seller. The harsh reality in today’s online world is that if you don’t ‘put yourself out there’ and create an online reputation than disgruntled consumers, ex-employees, and your competitors will create a ‘bad’ reputation for you.

3. I Resolve to Market Effectively

Think of Google as the world’s largest magazine. You wouldn’t expect to get on the cover of Times Magazine, or Forbes for a couple hundred dollars. But every day internet marketing companies are approached by customers who want page #1, position #1 of Google for the best keywords for a couple hundred dollars.

The fact is, there are so many online businesses that every keyword has dozens of SEO companies fighting for those coveted places. Keep some ‘realistic expectations’ when marketing. All advertising is relative. It doesn’t matter whether what medium you use. The newspaper, magazines, media, and the internet all have relative budgets based on the exposure to your ‘consumer base.’

So how do you get to the top? Forget about SEO and Ranking. Forget about traffic. Instead focus on those elements that will attract consumers and increase revenue.

Like all New Years resolutions, it is important to make them and the create a plan. Develop short term and long term goals. Work with your marketing company to create a strategy. Don’t sit back and let them do it all. No one knows your business as well as you do. Become Pro Active and take control of your success.

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