Why Cell Phones Are Important

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The option to add your credit card on to your phone will soon be available. Students could then use those recordings to take the speaker's words out of context and present them in a manipulative light.

Instigating Trouble. Students can use their cell phones during school to cause problems amongst students and bully others. School-related violence and cases of bullying are on the rise, and officials already have their hands full dealing with problematic students and keeping order in their institutions; allowing students to use devices such as cell phones during school hours will make such problems easier to perpetrate and harder to control.

Illegal Activities. Students can use cell phones during school to carry out illicit activities such as placing or taking orders for drug deals, provoking students to fight each other, take and place bets on sporting events or other forms of gambling, or planning events such as bomb threats and other security breaches.

Distraction. Almost all of those in favor of banning cell phones from schools say that allowing their use in class will distract students from their studies. Features such as internet access and video gaming capabilities are the most frequently cited as the biggest distractions. While the internet can provide legitimate researching capabilities, playing video games provides no educational benefit at all. Today there are schools making use of both policies. Pasco County's Wiregrass Ranch High School utilizes mobile phones in many of its classes, including English, math, and social studies. Teachers allow students to use their phones to research literature and authors, calculate math problems, and take pictures for class projects, among other tactics. Students in this district say that they feel more respected and trust than students in districts who do not have such a privilege, and acknowledge that the devices can help them learn more about their world, both past and present. Regarding the area of behavior management, teachers in the school no longer must battle students on a daily basis to put their phones away or to pay attention during class. Instead, they are integrating cell phone usage into their lesson plans and students are participating during class more and benefiting. Students can take care of their personal business on their cell phones before and after school as well as during lunch and passing periods, so personal distractions really are a non-issue. Administrators acknowledge that some students will and do abuse the privilege. Rules, such as use restrictions and removal of other non-cell phone related privileges, are in place to discourage would-be goof-offers.

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Cell phones are now considered to be a necessity for most people. This is because cell phones provide us with the ability to communicate with our family, colleagues, etc. not only through calls and SMS but even through sending e-mails as our mobile phones are now just like a mini computer that can be connected to the Internet if configured. Cell phones are even used as a camera, a video recorder and even as a radio and mp3 player all in one. What more can you ask for?

Cell phones are a great tool for us to connect with other people, thereby providing us with a kind of security knowing that we can "watch over" people or can be "watched over" by the people close to our hearts. iphone hörlurar