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Casinos, gambling, and exotic locales have fascinated moviegoers since the earliest days of film, and that interest shows no sign of waning. In the 1930s, the stars of the silver screen were gambling in Rio de Janeiro and Monte Carlo while today, most films take place in the glamorous casinos of Las Vegas, but the glitz and drama are the same. Here is a list of four of the best gambling movies in recent decades.

"The Cooler"

This quirky romance stars William H. Macy as Bernie Lootz, one of the unluckiest men in the world. His luck is so bad that it rubs off on those around him, so he works as a cooler at the Shangri-La Casino. His boss, the dangerous Shelly Kaplow (Alec Baldwin), pays him to stand next to people on a winning streak, and inevitably, their luck changes. Unfortunately for Kaplow, Bernie falls in love with a waitress, Natalie (Maria Bello), and his luck starts to change for the better.

"The Cooler" is a dark comedy with plenty of funny moments. However, there is lots of suspense as well as Bernie and Natalie attempt to escape Kaplow, who is a violent criminal with ties to organized crime.

This film is worth seeing for the cast alone. Alec Baldwin is notable for the stellar way he portrays Kaplow, an older criminal who mostly hands off the dirty work but remains more dangerous than he looks. William H. Macy plays the kind but unlucky Bernie to perfection. The contrast between his depressed mannerisms early in the movie and his joyful behavior after falling in love is striking. Maria Bello is also excellent as Natalie, a charming and fun-loving waitress with a few secrets herself.

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Most enthusiastic poker players (either online or live) are looking for ways to improve their game. One advantage is to use techniques that improve your ability to predict the play of your opponents. Imagine you can become a better poker player simply by focusing on the mental and psychological side of Poker. Being aware of Poker Tells and learning how to read body language is an important part of both playing poker and every day life. Therefore everyone can benefit from discovering how to read and identify body language.

Online poker tells are normally confined to betting patterns and timing tells. However, there is a lot of room for success in live games and tournaments for players that are aware of their opponent's tells and more importantly, the signals they are divulging. You can become more consciously aware by developing skills such as the ability to read body language.

Expanding your skills in reading body language will also see you improving your relationships at work, at home and socially. It is highly likely that your ability to engage in more effective communication will increase ten-fold. However in order to augment your ability to notice these 'Poker Tells', you must become more aware of your surroundings. Similarly, you must become aware of your opponents! You should ask yourself how observant are you and how much do you concentrate on your hand at the expense of monitoring the actions of your opponents?