Become an Authority and Professional in The Windshield Industry

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A lot of experienced Internet Marketers will tell you that you should always try to be an expert within the auto glass windshield replacement industry. This advice is usually followed up by telling you, basically, that you should fake it until you make it. This is when what to do next is left up to you.

Instead of simply faking it, you should figure out what you can do to help yourself actually become a bona fide expert. Or you can learn how to position yourself as such, but at some point you need to prove to the windshield industry that you have much more than a clue.

If the goal is to get people to see you as an expert, the first thing that needs to happen is that people see you. The very best way to make this happen is to use social media and make it happen right. The emergency auto glass repair niche you choose is going to tell you which one you should be focusing on. The social site for those who are more professional is LinkedIn. Make sure that your strategy includes Twitter and Facebook too. The only thing you want to do is sell your image and brand.

So don't try to push your products just yet. You're going to have to network with people and engage them as much as you are able. Merely doing this is going to expose them to you and increase the likelihood that they will actually remember you.

You are an expert in the auto glass industry, so you have to show people you know about it. You can do this by writing articles--but not any old articles. The articles need to be 100% solid and contain absolutely valuable information. This is not a time to outsource or to get low priced writers to conjure up recycled content. Write your own articles yourself; the process needn't be a terrible or time consuming one.

Your site should have at least three articles published on it every week. From here, contact sites that relate to yours and talk about syndication. You can do guest blogging as well, which is well worth pursuing because it can vastly improve the auto glass industry.

A great way, if the idea doesn't freak you out, to really cement your image as a professional is to do some public speaking. What you should do is contact local colleges and universities and arrange to give a lecture. Obviously this is going to be free and you won't be compensated but that's okay. You have to make the topic appealing to some segment of the student body or local residents. Write up a press release and publish it and make sure that you talk to the media about it. Get someone to video tape the talk or to audio tape the talk and you'll be ahead of the game. Being perceived as a professional in the auto glass industry means you need to have a marketing plan for it. You can get pulled in a dozen directions if you are not careful. Plus you have to spend time marketing your site and generating traffic. Don't forget to keep learning what you can do because there are many sources to use. Be different and be bold which means move on this and don't be afraid of being a professional. glass windshield repair