Health Benefits of Taking Drum Lessons

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Drumming is fun, it frees the mind, if there is one thing that drumming helps you achieve, it is clarity of the mind. Having mental clarity is one of the health benefits of playing the drum and you can only play the drum well if you take proper drum lessons. When you are playing the drum, you can already predict the rhythm it will give to you so as a result, it improves your cognitive response and this is a positive thing as it prevents some diseases such as Alzheimer’s. It also helps you prevent illnesses such as dementia. For those people who already suffer from dementia and Alzheimer, drumming as part of their daily routine helps them relate better with their family and loved ones.

There is something called connecting with yourself and also with the people around you and this is a health benefit that drumming affords you especially if you learned it the right way by taking drum lessons. You may not know this but when you join group drumming whether for practice or taking a class, it is a form of therapy for you especially if you are a reserved person who doesn’t like dealing with people. You connect with yourself in such a way that once you beat the drum, you get the feedback just immediately and this helps you know your ability. If you are a drummer in a group setting, you are basically one of the pillars of that band because it is mainly the bedrock or foundation to create music. As a result of this, this kind of group drumming encourages you to feel free with people, discourages low self esteem as wells a self centeredness. It is one of the few things that will help you connect with other people easily.

It reduces stress and boosts your immune system once you start playing drums. You should notice that each time you play the drum, you become less stressed. Do you know what happens to your body when you are stressed? Here is a little breakdown, when you have stress hormones in your body; it reduces the amount of white blood cell count responsible for fighting off infections which means you will be prone to different diseases. When you take proper drum lessons and learn to play the drum well, it will help you relieve stress and indirectly boost your immune system thereby fighting off infection. There is something called drumming therapy and for someone who is usually stressed, playing drums can help you a great deal. A drumming session has the ability to increase the amount of cancer killing cells as well in your body.

Above all things, taking drum lessons or just practicing on your own for the fun of it helps release hormone called endorphins which is more than a painkiller, it helps you have this feeling of well being. Endorphins are basically known as hormones that make you feel good that your brain releases when you participate in activities that you enjoy so much. These hormones help you feel better in bad situation, it can be addictive because you may find yourself wanting more drumming sessions than usual and it is a good thing because there is no side effect. It helps you relieve chronic pain, basically it can either distract you from the pain or the endorphins make you feel better or make your condition manageable. Taking drum lessons can help you a great deal to master drumming, it is just a master of time and you will get better at it.