Josef authentic figurines

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Most pet owners can tell you that if your dog is not given chew toys, they will chew on whatever they can find. Dog's teeth, just like humans need something to chew on to relieve pain and to sharpen their canine teeth. There are many different options on the market today for chew toys, but all natural is decidedly better for your dog. Antlers have proven to be a healthy alternative to bones, but still have the same dietary benefits that bones do.

What Types of Antlers are there?

There are a few different types of deer antlers on the market for dogs. The type you get is usually according to the store that you buy the antlers from. Since the white tailed deer is the one most often seen in the United States, this species are where most antlers come from. It is possible to find moose, elk, or mule deer antlers in some parts of the country, however.

Antlers or Bones?

The only big difference between antlers and the larger bones that many dogs chew is that the antlers are softer. It is worth noting however, that bones and antlers can chip a dogs teeth, if the dog is aggressive with its chewing. You want to be careful and watch your pup closely if they are aggressive chewers, so that you can stop them.

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