Macadamia Nut Oil

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Raw macadamia nuts are very popular world wide for being used as a topping for cookies, cakes, and other snacks. Even though this nut is mainly used to add texture and taste to sugary snacks they have healthy qualities just like other edible nuts.

Of course eating the raw nut is best but you don't lose it's healthy benefits just because you eat it on snacks. You can add this nut to others in a mix and have a healthy snack you can easily take with you and enjoy all day.

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Nuts are very good for you and they can be used not only as part of your diet and cooking but also your skin care. You will find that some nuts such as the macadamia nut have fantastic qualities and Macadamia nut oil is fantastic for your skin as well as cooking. Macadamia oil has a vast amount of vitamins and nutrients and has some great anti oxidant qualities. Although using this oil is great for your health, you have to be aware that if you are allergic to nuts then you cannot use it.

Macadamia nuts originate from Australia and Madagascar and have been exported around the world for many years. You can now find this fantastic tree in many other areas of the world and this is great for producing the macadamia nut oil. The macadamia oil is extracted directly from the nut meat and is perfect for frying and in dressings. The type of oil is not affected by where the trees are grown so they can be grown happily around the world.

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If you enjoy gourmet nuts, you'll be happy to know that most nuts in their natural state are very healthy treats. Take the macadamia nut for example. This tropical nut not only tastes great but is good for you as well. Here's why.

Health Benefits Of Macadamia Nuts

In general, most nuts are quite healthy. They are an excellent source of protein and fiber, making them an excellent choice after a workout or physical activity. They are low in carbohydrates, and although their rich taste might lead you to believe they contain sugars, they do not.

Macadamia nuts take things a step further in terms of being a healthy snack. First, they contain no cholesterol, one key reason why they are known as being especially heart healthy. Another benefit is they are an excellent source of mono unsaturated fat (the good fat).

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