Say Goodbye To Pests By Using This Advice

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As a homeowner, one of the most irritating issues you face is pests. Pests come in many varieties. Rats, mice, ants and cockroaches are the most common. Some can even wreak havoc on your home. Here are some tips for dealing with these pests.

Pest Control 101; What You Need To Know Are you having trouble with fruit flies returning even after taking measures to remove them? Your drain may be the issue. Tape some plastic wrap over a drain for a few days and see if fruit flies start popping up. If you do see them, some boiling hot water poured into the drain and a brisk scrub should eliminate them once and for all. This should rid your drains of fruit flies.

Do you have a recurring issue with fruit flies? The issue may be your drain. Tape a piece of plastic wrap over drains for a couple of days, and see if these pesky little flies pop up. If you find some, pour a little boiling water down the drain and then scrub it well. This will help keep the flies from breeding in there.

You can utilize traps with a sticky substance to catch brown recluse spiders. They can hide very well and they are hard to kill with pesticides. Spiders come out during the night to eat. Traps along your baseboards and behind furniture will capture them.

Helpful Pest Control Tips You Can Start Using Today There are dogs trained to sniff out termites so you can know for sure whether you have them. Humans can only check about a 30% of your home's surface area for termite infestations. A termite-sniffing dog, on the other hand, can detect termites anywhere in your home. Dogs will immediately pick up the methane gas produced when termites eat wood.

Inspect your home for standing water which may be in hidden areas. Pests can literally sense standing water. Therefore, you need to thoroughly inspect your plumbing to ensure that there are no leaky pipes. Do not neglect to clean your house plant trays. Pests require water to stay alive, so getting rid of these areas will discourage pests from living there.

Outdoor lighting can be nice for various reasons, but it also attracts bugs. Use pastel-colored light bulbs in outside lights to keep bugs away.

If rats and mice have previously posed problems, avoid planting trees near the house. If you do, rodents will climb up them and get on your roof to enter your attic. They should be about 15 or more feet from your house.

A collection of recyclables can attract pests. The best case scenario involves keeping recycling outdoors. However, if you cannot do this, then ensure you thoroughly rinse all items that you put inside. Seal up your recycling bins to keep pests away.

Having some outdoor lights is great for entertainment purposes, or to keep away strangers, but it's also seen as a fantastic way to keep pests around. If you are using outdoor lighting, switch to light bulbs that are orange or yellow.

Even if your home doesn't show any issues, check the entire thing on occasion. Termites may rear their ugly heads in the underground areas of your home. Give your crawl space and basement a look over.

The pest control industry is a booming one. However, you can solve most of your pest problems on your own. Use the advice offered above to help you gain control over your pest problems. By addressing the situation early, it is possible to avoid calling costly professionals. Diligent pest control routines can reward you with a cleaner home.

Pest Control Tips You Can Implement Today